Chapter 1424 He is my son... (1)

Li Shu didn’t know what Mo Zhi’s reaction was, but at this moment, Li Shu was already stunned.

She felt as if the whole world was about to collapse, and she stared at the two people in the ward silently.

 She seemed to be living in a dream, everything around her seemed so unreal.

 She swallowed, and anger, hesitation, and fear suddenly rose in her heart.

 No, it’s not fear, it’s just that I feel ridiculous to the extreme.

 There is a birthmark on Mo Zhi’s butt. Very few people know about this.

 In wealthy families, everyone is more trusting in fate.

 So when a child is born, a famous Feng Shui master will be asked to come to the house to take a look at the child.

At that time, the Feng Shui master concluded that the birthmark on Mo Zhi's buttocks was in a bad position and would ruin his fortune and suppress his destiny. Therefore, they concealed the birthmark on Mo Zhi's buttocks even when he was a little older. Later, I found someone to remove the birthmark in every possible way.

Mo Zhi himself knew about this matter, but apart from Mo Zhi, there were almost no one else who knew about this matter except the insiders back then.

However, Yao Lili said this clearly at this moment.

 It was difficult for Li Shu to even think that this was a lie.

She stared at Mo Zhi.

At this moment, Mo Zhi and Yao Lili were standing together, and she realized that Mo Zhi looked a bit like Yao Lili.

They are really similar, their profiles are as if they were carved from the same mold.

 When I didn’t know about it before, I had never thought of it.

Li Shu suddenly took a step back.

 She swallowed and stared nervously at the situation in the ward.

 But if Mo Zhi is Yao Lili’s son, what about her son?

As soon as this idea came to her mind, she immediately thought of Mo Xicheng...

Mo Xicheng…

 Her eyes suddenly turned red.

 Suddenly, the scene of Mo Xicheng being beaten by Yao Lili flashed through his mind.

 Mo Xicheng came into being because of Yao Lili's one-night stand with Mo Hai. Although she felt that women should not embarrass women, she still had some feelings for her mistress Yao Lili.

 For Mo Xicheng, he even has a bit of disgust.

 However, every time she saw such a tiny Mo Xicheng, her heart would always soften for no apparent reason.


How many times had she witnessed Yao Lili beating Mo Xicheng with her own eyes, but she was so cruel that she ignored it... Unless it was really out of character, she would occasionally stretch out her hand and interfere.

 Just like that time…

She saw that he had a fever, and his whole body was so feverish that he could not even recognize it clearly.

But Yao Lili was not at home and ignored him, and Mo Hai didn't care about him either...

 She just called the nanny at home and sent him to the hospital.

 What happens next?

 How many times did Mo Xicheng endure and preserve his own strength for the sake of Mo Zhi...

How many words are there? Do not scold Mo Xicheng as a **** and the son of a mistress...

 She spent a lot of time indifferently choosing to ignore it.

 After ignoring her at that time, and even occasionally being soft-hearted, she stepped in to protect Mo Xicheng. In fact, whenever she was alone, she would blame herself for being too holy.

Those are the mistress and her son, what does it have to do with her?

However, when she thought about it at this moment, she suddenly wanted to cry, and a monstrous anger suddenly welled up in her heart!

Yao Lili...Yao Lili!

 (End of this chapter)

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