Chapter 1428 He is my son... (5)

 Do you have something to say to me?

When Li Shu heard this, he felt like crying again.

She suppressed the sourness in her heart and asked after a while: "Why do you want to help me?"

Mo Xicheng was stunned, suddenly not knowing what to say.

  I don’t know why, but he actually saw a trace of expectation for his answer in Li Shu’s eyes.

That kind of expectation made him confused, but he still explained, "I think you must have your own reasons for lying, so...what's wrong with you? Is something wrong?"

The circles under his eyes suddenly turned red, and Li Shu stared at Mo Xicheng.

I knew he was good before, but at this moment, I finally realized that he is really a good boy.

 I am injured, but I am still concerned about what happened to me.

 Her tears rolled down heavily.

Mo Xicheng was even more confused. He tensed his jaw, stared at her, and finally sighed: "Is it because of my mother again?"

Li Shu was stunned for a moment.

That word "mother" inexplicably poked her heart, making her just want to hug him and tell him the truth...

 But if she told him, would he believe it?

Li Shu clenched his fists.

Thinking of her indifference to him, her malice towards him, and her incomprehension towards him when she was a child... Even if she helped him occasionally, she suddenly felt that she was simply heinous in front of Mo Xicheng.

 She, as a mother, does not deserve Mo Xicheng's recognition.

 Mo Xicheng's two words made Li Shu cry like this, and he suddenly became a little anxious.

 His always melancholy eyes were filled with panic, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Shu didn't speak, he just cried.

At this moment, Shi Nianyao rushed over and exclaimed as he ran: "I just went to the toilet. I promised you not to wander around. How did you get here!"

Hearing this, Mo Xicheng raised his head and curled his lips at Shi Nianyao.

 He ​​occasionally looked up and saw Li Shu. Seeing that she seemed to be in a bad mood, he followed her and gave her a hand.

Shi Nianyao just muttered, then held Mo Xicheng's arm, then turned around and was shocked to see Li Shu crying.

She immediately misunderstood, hurriedly hid behind Mo Xicheng, and then asked in a low voice: "Aunt Li Shu, what's wrong?"

Mo Xicheng frowned when he saw her look, and then sighed, "I'm sorry this time... I have no choice but to let Mo Zhi go."

 One sentence made Li Shu suddenly stunned.

She looked at Mo Xicheng in confusion, and then suddenly realized, he thought she was crying to beg him, begging the Shi family to let Mo Zhi go?

 Her heart suddenly felt sad and painful again.

 This child...this child.

 But then I thought again, wasn’t this the way I used to be?

She even said something to him clearly: "If one day in the future, you threaten Mo Zhi's status, don't blame me for turning against you."

 How indifferent it was at the time, how cruel it is now.

Li Shu suddenly didn’t know what to say.

 Then she saw Mo Xicheng nodded to her, and was about to leave with the support of Shi Nianyao.

Li Shu became anxious and shouted hurriedly: "Mo Xicheng..."

Mo Xicheng stood still and turned around.

Li Shu stared at him, opened his mouth, and finally said: "Can you give me a few strands of your hair?"

 (End of this chapter)

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