After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 144: When I was a teenager in fresh clothes and angry horses (4)

Chapter 144 When I was a young man wearing bright clothes and angry horses (4)

 Because it is fake, you can play with him...

This thought made his eyes flash with anger and hatred, causing the temperature in the car to drop.

 Qiao Lian was so cold that she was staring at him, but when she saw Song Yuanxi leaving with the man, she couldn't help but grab Shen Liangchuan's arm: "Mr. Shen, what are you thinking about? Hurry up and follow him!"

 One sentence brought Shen Liangchuan's thoughts back to reality.

He lowered his head and stared at her big hand holding his arm. He suppressed the complicated emotions tumbling in his heart, looked ahead, started the car, and then followed.

The other party's car drove around BJ City, getting closer and closer to the suburbs, and finally arrived at a relatively remote place in the west.

Qiao Lian stared ahead with wide eyes, pointing to the vehicle in front of a small shop, "There, the car is parked over there!"

Shen Liangchuan frowned and stopped the car. As a public figure, he subconsciously picked up the mask and hat. Before he could put them on, the car door was opened. Qiao Lian got out of the car and rushed over!

Shen Liangchuan packed himself up and then moved a step slower. He frowned and looked up again. The girl's figure had disappeared at the door.

He hurriedly opened the car door and got out of the car.

 Qiao Lian rushed in anxiously.

This is a hotel. There are many rooms on both sides of the corridor. The dim light makes people feel uncomfortable.

Moreover, the atmosphere inside has a nauseating feeling. It looks like it is an irregular place that specializes in certain **** incidents.

She looked around and saw Song Yuanxi in front of her, who seemed to be unwell and was walking forward leaning on the man's shoulder.

 This scene made her immediately understand what happened.

Having been a reporter for such a long time, she has long been used to all kinds of scams. Song Yuanxi must have been drugged now.

 She walked forward and shouted: "Stop!"

That man didn’t look back, but walked faster and faster!

Qiao Lian was anxious and moved forward again. At this moment, the doors on both sides were suddenly opened and a group of thugs rushed out.

 Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, and she immediately took a stance. Seeing a man step forward to grab her, she used a grappling hand to capture the opponent directly, and then pushed forward hard, pushing onto another person!

She has learned some martial arts, but when faced with this group of people, it is difficult for her to fight with two fists.

As soon as she fought off the two people, people came up from behind and surrounded her from front to back. It was impossible to get past her at this time.

She bit her lip anxiously. Someone came up to attack her. She dealt with the person in front of her, but she felt a gust of wind coming from the back of her head.



As soon as the thought came out, I heard a scream from the person behind me, and then a spacious and warm back was pressed against my back. Shen Liangchuan's usually calm and mellow voice was filled with anxiety at this moment: "Are you a pig? I didn't know there would be someone here. Danger? "

 Qiao Lian was stunned when she was scolded, and the inexplicable familiar feeling came again.

 She still remembers... that she used to play games too.

She was provoked to anger by someone, and she ran after her and beat her. She accidentally fell into the opponent's trick. Someone was hiding nearby and took the opportunity to come out. Three people beat her, and she was about to run out of blood. When he was beaten to death, Zichuan rushed in.

At that time, the voice was on, and his angry voice came over: "Are you a pig? Are you looking for death?"

 The familiar tone, at this moment, strangely overlapped.

 (End of this chapter)

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