Chapter 1452 He is my son... (30)

Mo Zhi was startled. He quickly looked at the people around him, then stepped forward, grabbed Yao Lili's arm, lowered his voice and said, "Why are you here?!"

Yao Lili wanted to say something, but she heard footsteps on the stairs. She turned around and saw Mo Hai walking down the stairs. She hurriedly lowered her voice and said, "We'll talk in my room in the early morning."

Mo Zhi nodded, showing his disdain for Yao Lili on the surface, "Stay away from me!"

Then he took two steps towards Mo Hai arrogantly.

Mo Hai frowned and looked at him, "Where have you been today?"

Mo Zhi reported, “I’m going to the company!”

Mo Hai looked at him up and down, and finally sighed deeply and patted his shoulder: "Do a good job, dad still believes in you."

With one sentence, Mo Zhi, who had been left out for a few days, suddenly felt a little hot in his eyes. He nodded quickly and said, "Dad, I will work hard."

Mo Hai pointed at the restaurant, "Okay, let's go and eat. As long as you learn with an open mind, you still have a chance to learn things you didn't know before. After all, you are still young, and the Mo have the most shares."

 Voiceover It is obvious that you are the real major shareholder of the Mo family, and the future of the Mo family still belongs to you.

Mo Zhi immediately became energetic as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

Seeing this, Yao Lili couldn't help but lowered her head and smiled.

 Actually, Mo Hai thought that he liked Mo Zhi because Mo Zhi was Li Shu’s son and he loved Wujiwu.

But in fact, he may not even realize it. How could he not have feelings for his son who he raised, brought, and taught with his own hands?

 So, Mo Zhi never really lost.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Yao Lili's lips, and then she felt something. She immediately stiffened and turned her head hurriedly, just in time to see Li Shu standing on the corridor, staring at her.

The smile on Yao Lili's face disappeared instantly. She hurriedly lowered her head, pretending not to see it, and silently went upstairs.

Before entering the guest room, she needed to pass by Li Shu. She raised her head and gave Li Shu a flattering smile. She was about to enter the guest room when she suddenly heard Li Shu say: "How is this kid Mo Zhi?" ?”

Yao Lili paused and turned back in confusion, "Huh?"

Li Shu pointed downstairs and suddenly couldn't help but laugh, "You know what? I have something that is not as good as you."

Yao Lili was stunned again.

Li Shu turned his head, looked at her, and said word by word: "I'm not as good at raising children as you are."

 She is talking about raising, not giving birth to.

She and Mo Hai brought up Mo Zhi, but he was not even one-tenth as good as Mo Xicheng.

At this moment, Li Shu just felt it was funny.

 Because she suddenly wanted to thank Yao Lili. Without Yao Lili, perhaps there would be no outstanding Mo Xicheng today.

This is really ironic and ridiculous.

 She sneered, turned around and saw Yao Lili staring at her in confusion.

Li Shu didn't say anything and went directly into the bedroom.

 After closing the door, all the expressions on Li Shu's face disappeared in an instant.

She stared blankly ahead, her mind filled with images of Mo Hai couldn't help but pat Mo Zhi on the shoulder.

  She knew that Mo Hai would not be emotionless towards Mo Zhi.

They are father and son, and Mo Hai only cursed and beat Mo Xicheng.

 So Mo Xicheng has not been close to Mo Hai since he was a child.

The reason why Mo Hai couldn't get rid of Yao Lili and lived with Li Shu was because of the existence of Mo Xicheng, so when Mo Hai mentioned Mo Xicheng, he felt nothing but disgust.

  On one side is the son who was raised by himself, and on the other side is the child who has been like a mortal enemy since childhood.

Even if Mo Hai knew the truth of the matter, would he still be unable to let go of Mo Zhi and accept Mo Xicheng?

Thinking of this, Li Shu immediately clenched his fists.

 She suddenly felt that she had thought of things too simply.

 I also think of Mo Hai’s feelings for Mo Zhi too simply.

Even if Mo Zhi is not her son, he is still Mo Hai’s son.

And Mo Hai's love for Mo Zhi after so many years will not disappear easily.

Just when Li Shu sighed, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Li Shu turned around, opened the door, and saw Mo Hai standing outside the door.

At this moment, Li Shu just wanted to have a chat with him, so he moved away and let him in.

Mo Hai rubbed his hands, a little afraid of Li Shu, with a flattering smile on his face. After entering the room, he hurriedly looked at Li Shu and said with a smile: "I know, you took Yao Lili away." The reason I came here was to please that **** Mo Xicheng so that he could clean up Mo Zhi's mess, but Li Shu, there is really no need for this. Mo Xicheng is my son. I asked him to clean it up, but he didn't dare. Not going…”

Hearing this, Li Shu's heart ached.

Her son, in Mo Hai's heart, is just a brat?

She frowned and said, "Can you pay attention to your tone when you speak?"

 “Okay, I get it. I mean, you really don’t have to wrong yourself.”

 Mo Hai took a step forward, stretched out his hand, and wanted to grab Li Shu's arm, but Li Shu took a step back and avoided his pull.

Li Shu lowered his eyes, and after a while he suddenly asked: "Mo Hai, do you like Mo Zhi because of me?"

Mo Hai was stunned and subconsciously said: "Of course!"

Li Shu looked up at him, his eyes a little dark, "So, now, do you feel disappointed in Mo Zhi?"

Mo Hai thought that Li Shu was afraid that he would give up Mo Zhi, so he immediately said: "Li Shu, how can you say this? Mo Zhi is my son, even if he fails for a while, he is still my son! I have been with him since I was a child. Watching him grow up, can I not understand what he looks like? He is not stupid, but his mind is not focused on it... After this incident, I think he has learned a good lesson, you know? He went to the company today. I just called my secretary. The secretary said that he performed very well in the company today. It seems that I should have let Mo Xicheng come to the company earlier and put pressure on him earlier. You can also make progress earlier..."

Mo Hai rambled and talked a lot.

 But that look made it clear that the relationship between him and Mo Zhi was really deep.

Li Shu clenched his fists tightly, then stared at Mo Hai, suddenly feeling that what he wanted to say later didn't actually need to be said at all.

 She lowered her eyes, pointed to the door, and said, "You can go out."

Mo Hai was stunned. The two of them were having a good chat. Why did he suddenly let him out?

 He wanted to speak, but Li Shu looked over with a cold look.

 (End of this chapter)

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