Chapter 1467 He is my son... (45)

 Qiao Lian lowered her head and looked at her lower abdomen with a gentle face. Although nothing could be seen there yet, she could already feel that a life was being gestated there.

 Qiao Lian used to have an out-of-the-box personality, but since becoming pregnant, she has become much calmer, and now she speaks with maternal brilliance: "I don't know."

Shi Nianyao said directly: "Why don't you go check it out?"

Qiao Lianxiao: "Don't I want to give myself something to look forward to? Because this child, whether it's a boy or a girl, is a surprise to me, and now, I have made a bet with Shen Liangchuan."

Shi Nianyao was stunned, "What kind of bet?"

Qiao Lian bit her lip and smiled very gently, "That's it, is it a boy or a girl? I want a son, and he wants a daughter."

Shi Nianyao's eyes immediately lit up and he asked thiefly: "Then...if it's a boy, what will happen to him? If it's a girl...what will happen to you??"

As soon as this question came out, Qiao Lian's face suddenly turned red.

   Thinking of the agreement between himself and Shen Liangchuan, he couldn't help but feel his cheeks getting hot.

When Shi Nianyao saw her look, he immediately laughed, "Hahaha, it must be a dirty bet that you don't want. So, tell me quickly~"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

“It’s nothing. By the way, you are so young and you already want a child!”

 Shi Nianyao: "Don't change the subject for me, tell me what your bet is first!"

Qiao Lian saw that her question was too curious, so he leaned close to her ear and whispered something.

After Shi Nianyao heard this, he couldn't help but cover his face, and then he couldn't help laughing, "You, you couple are really dirty!"

 Qiao Lian rolled her eyes.

Since her marriage, her love life has become sweeter, and the standards between her and Shen Liangchuan have been relaxed a lot.

Now looking at Shi Nianyao's appearance, she pushed her, "It's as if you and Goddess Mo have never been like this before... Why are you so shy? Tell me, to what extent have you developed with Goddess Mo?"

Shi Nianyao responded obediently: "...Except for the last step, everything that was supposed to happen happened!"

Qiao Lian: "Didn't you all get your certificates? Why haven't you slept together yet?"

Shi Nianyao:…!

 “Can you speak more tactfully?”

Qiao Lian: "What is euphemism? Can it be used as food?"

Shi Nianyao: ...Well, now Qiao Lian is more open-minded and loose-mouthed.

Shi Nianyao's face turned hot, "Okay, let's not talk about me anymore. Let's talk about what you and Movie Emperor Shen have been doing recently!"

Qiao Lian immediately smiled happily, "Isn't this the international competition about to begin? Shen Liangchuan and I are discussing tactics."

Shi Nianyao:…

 Obviously two people are hiding and want to live a world of two, but now they are still making excuses!

Shi Nianyao rolled his eyes with disdain, and then saw two men walking in one after the other.

Shi Nianyao immediately held his chin with both hands, showing a **** face, "My handsome man, he is so handsome!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

Shi Nianyao continued to stare at Mo Xicheng. Seeing him following Shen Liangchuan to the side and continuing to socialize, he couldn't help but tilt his head.

 At this moment, her cell phone rang.

 Looking down, I saw a link sent by Puyun: Sharing a good thing with you!


 PS: It’s the last half hour of this month~ Please vote for me~ I will continue writing~

 (End of this chapter)

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