Chapter 1490 He is my son... (68)

Gao Feng was waiting for him in the private room. He originally thought that Mo Xicheng would come in anyway. In this case, he could stop Mo Xicheng and then go next door to talk to Director Li, or go there with him.

But he never expected that Mo Xicheng would not only be late for the negotiation, but also be so arrogant and even disdain his help?

He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, and his whole body was about to explode.

The assistant standing at the door was also stunned. He turned around and looked at Gao Feng, speechless.

Didn't Mo Xicheng realize that Gao Feng was helping him?

 Why reject them?

The two of them looked at me and I looked at you in the room, unable to say a word. Finally, Gao Feng slapped the table and shouted angrily: "You bastard! I will never help him again!" Let him hit the wall! I think he won’t give up until he hits the wall!”

 But after saying this, he didn't leave. Instead, he sat down on the sofa.

Looking at that look, the assistant at the door couldn't help but laugh.

Didn’t you say you don’t care about others?

Since you don’t care about others, why sit here and worry about something happening soon?

He suppressed a smile, looked at Gao Feng, and asked: "Mr. Mo is late, Director Li will be even more unhappy, right? Today is Mr. Mo's first day at work. When I went out, I saw his assistant preparing the car. "Why are you late?"

When Gao Feng heard this, he snorted disdainfully, "Nothing is serious or serious, and he can't do anything with his head. How can such a person be Li Shu's biological son?"

He took a deep breath and said, "Forget it, help him this time, it's worthy of Li Shu! You go and listen to the noise next door, wait a moment, if there is any trouble, rush in quickly, but don't This **** is really in trouble! Also, keep an eye on the paparazzi around you and don’t let them take any photos.”


After the assistant finished speaking, he walked out of the private room and monitored the situation next door.


Mo Xicheng pushed open the private room door and walked in. He saw Director Li waiting for him in the dark private room with a pale face.

Seeing him come in, Director Li sneered, "Mr. Mo is young and has a lot of airs. He's already over half an hour late!"

Mo Xicheng's assistant hurriedly said: "Director Li, there was a traffic jam on the way we came..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Xicheng spoke arrogantly: "My schedule is very full, and I kept Director Li waiting for a long time."

The rude tone in his words made Director Li's face suddenly turn livid.

He stared at Mo Xicheng, his eyes wandering around Mo Xicheng's face, and finally sneered, pointed to the side of his sofa and said in an unclear voice, "Aren't we going to talk about cooperation? Mr. Mo, please sit down. Bar."

Mo Xicheng raised his head and glanced at the seat, lowered his eyes, and then walked over, but instead of sitting next to Director Li, he sat down opposite him.

Director Li stared at Mo Xicheng.

The light in the private room was a bit dark. Just now, Mo Xicheng was standing at the door again. The door was open and there was no light behind him, so Director Li didn't see Mo Xicheng's face clearly.

At this moment, Mo Xicheng was sitting opposite him, and he could see that face clearly.

They are both in the circle and have heard about each other for a long time. However, where does Director Li's reputation come from, and Mo Xicheng has always kept a low profile, this is the first time the two of them have met face to face.

 (End of this chapter)

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