Chapter 1495 He is my son... (73)

Mo Xicheng walked out of the private room, got in the car, and walked to his family's villa.

On the way, he thought of Liu Liu again.

 Liu Liu was the first friend he made after entering the entertainment industry and society.

He thought of Liu Liu's despair when he was forced to go abroad, and how one day a year later, he received a call from a foreign lawyer, saying that Liu Liu had inherited all his assets to him, and then chose to commit suicide to end his life. The shock of life.

 He lowered his eyes and opened the car window.

 The wind outside the window blew in.

 The wind in summer is full of heat, making people restless.

He turned to look out the car window, staring at the dim lights outside, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

If you had risen up and helped Liu Liu get revenge, would it have allowed Liu Liu to at least see hope in life and not reach that point in the end?

Mo Xicheng felt a little tight in his chest, and just like that, he arrived home without even realizing it.

 “Mr. Mo, you are home.”

Mo Xicheng raised his head, glanced at the villa, and nodded to his assistant, "Just drive away and pick me up from work tomorrow."

 The assistant nodded immediately, "Okay."

Mo Xicheng got out of the car and opened the door of the villa. As soon as he walked in, he found that the living room was brightly lit.

He was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, took two quick steps, and opened the door directly.

The moment the door was pushed open, a small birthday cake appeared in front of him. He looked up and saw Shi Nianyao holding the cake, tilting his head, smiling at him, before he came in. Later, start singing: "Happy birthday to you ~ Happy birthday to you..."

 The warm atmosphere swept away the gloom in Mo Xicheng's heart, and also swept away the feeling of loneliness just now.

 He looked down at the cake and couldn't help but laugh, "How did you know today is my birthday?"

Shi Nianyao immediately stuck out his tongue, put the cake back on the coffee table, and replied: "What about you, I don't know~ Today is your birthday on the solar calendar. I know that you met with fans on your birthday on the lunar calendar. Yes, we may not be able to spend it together that day, so I’m here to celebrate your birthday today!”

Mo Xicheng nodded, took off his coat, went to wash his hands and came back. He saw Shi Nianyao looking at him with bright eyes, then pointed at the cake and asked, "Does it look good?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his head and looked at the cake. He saw that the birthday cake was surrounded by a circle of roses, with a few words written in the middle: Happy Birthday Mo Xicheng!

It was the most ordinary cake, but looking at Shi Nianyao's expectant eyes, Mo Xicheng could only say: "It looks good."

"Really?" Shi Nianyao said proudly, "I made this with my own hands!"

Mo Xicheng was stunned, "Did you do it by yourself?"

Shi Nianyao nodded immediately, "Yeah! But the new style of cake is too difficult to make. I sat there all day, and I didn't know how much wasted, and then I got the last one! Hahaha~ I think it's pretty good too!"

After saying so much, he dragged Mo Xicheng to the sofa, asked him to sit down, and then said: "Okay, birthday boy, you can make a wish and then blow out the candles!"

Mo Xicheng felt warm in his heart. Hearing this, he nodded, then closed his eyes, made a wish, and then blew it out in one breath.

 Looking up again, he met Shi Nianyao's bright eyes, "Did you make any wish?"

 (End of this chapter)

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