Chapter 1500 He is my son...(79)

When Si Jingyu heard this, he walked to him, grabbed his hand, and then looked up at him, "Children are debts. What we owe our parents is still with our children. We Chinese people Isn’t it just like this from generation to generation? So don’t worry about it. Your daughter will get married sooner or later. Isn’t it great that she has found someone she likes and is willing to pamper her? "

 Shi Jinyan heard this and thought for a while.

Actually, he had known for a long time that his anger was out of nowhere, but as a parent, he really couldn't bear to let it go, and he didn't think about it for a while.

At this moment, listening to Si Jingyu's words, he realized that he was being unreasonable.

Shi Jinyan sat on the sofa and sighed, "That's it, never mind."


When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone into the room, Shi Nianyao moved his eyelids and opened his tired eyes.

She felt something pressing on her waist, which was a bit heavy and made it difficult for her to turn over for a while, so she reached out her hand and touched it.

 When I touched it like this, I realized that it was actually an arm!

Shi Nianyao's eyes suddenly widened, looking at everything familiar and unfamiliar in front of her. The events of last night flashed through her mind one by one like a movie, making her face suddenly turn red.

After a while, I heard the man's deep and lazy voice, "Are you awake?"

Shi Nianyao breathed a sigh of relief, buried half of his face in the quilt, slowly turned his body and turned his head.

She was too shy to look directly at him, biting her lips with a smile on her lips.

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but bury his head in the quilt.

As soon as it was buried, it leaked out again. He looked at Mo Xicheng fiercely and said, "Don't fart!"

 Mo Xicheng:…

Mo Xicheng looked at her cute look and couldn't help but raise his lips. Seeing her getting into bed again, he asked again, "Are you shy?"


 “You come out first, it’s too hot inside, don’t get stuffy.”

"I don't."

 “Come out quickly.”

 “I won’t.”

 “Then how did you come out?”

 “No matter what, I don’t do it either.”

Shi Nianyao still buried his face tightly in the quilt and refused to come out.

Mo Xicheng was afraid that something would happen to her. After thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Tell me, is your father already on his way here?"

 (End of this chapter)

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