Chapter 1502 He is my son... (81)

Seeing how stubborn Mo Xicheng was, Shi Nianyao knew he couldn't defeat him, so he could only nod his head.

 The two men tidied themselves up and then walked out.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw the Shi family's car parked at the door. After seeing the two people, the driver immediately got out of the car and said, "Miss, my wife asked me to take you home."

Shi Nianyao:…

Mo Xicheng glanced at Shi Nianyao and said directly: "I will send her back."

 The driver nodded.

The driver drove the car and followed behind Shi Nianyao.

Mo Xicheng could see the nervousness on Shi Nianyao's face through the mirror in the car.

He couldn't help but ask: "Where did the courage that made me turn around and go home last night go?"

When Shi Nianyao heard this, he lowered his head and muttered in a low voice, "Then there was a sleeping male **** seducing me, but now it's not the case."

 Mo Xicheng:…

Mo Xicheng was dumbfounded. He glanced at Shi Nianyao twice, then shook his head and continued to drive forward.

The car soon arrived at the Shi family villa. When it parked in the courtyard, you could see Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan walking out of the living room and heading straight to their cars.

Shi Nianyao took several deep breaths in the passenger seat and then opened the car door.

 She immediately smiled and said, "Mom!"

Si Jingyu couldn't help but shook his head at her.

Mo Xicheng immediately got down from the driver's seat, looked at Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan and nodded hello: "Mom, Dad."

Si Jingyu:…!

 Shi Jinyan:…!

Shi Jinyan said directly: "Don't yell, it's not like that!"

Before he finished speaking, Si Jingyu tugged his sleeve, and then Shi Jinyan swallowed the next words.

Si Jingyu stared at Mo Xicheng, looked up and down a few times, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing, "Have you had breakfast?"

Before Mo Xicheng opened his mouth, Shi Nianyao immediately replied: "I've eaten, my boyfriend personally made me a sandwich and milk!"

Si Jingyu looked at Mo Xichen in surprise, "Can you still cook?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and nodded, "If you had nothing to do before, you would have learned it yourself."

Si Jingyu was satisfied, "Life is about learning more and trying everything. But you should have a better future than Nian Yao. She learned to cook at home when she was a child and can burn up the kitchen at home."

“I don’t have a future, but I have done a lot of dark cooking, so I have some experience.”

Si Jingyu nodded.

She couldn't help but stare at Mo Xicheng, looking up and down several times. Thinking of what Li Shu said, she couldn't help but sigh, it's true that dragons and dragons give birth to phoenixes, and mice's sons can dig holes.

Even though he was exchanged with Xiaosan's son since he was a child, the scholarly aura in Mo Xicheng still followed Li Shu and remained unchanged.

 And whenever she thought of the boy in front of her who had been exchanged since he was a child, she felt particularly pity.

She turned to look at Shi Nianyao again and said, "You have eaten, why don't you go to work now?"

Shi Nianyao: "...ah?"

 Did she hear wrongly? Why didn't Mom and Dad question what happened last night?

She turned around and looked at Mo Xicheng in confusion, and heard Mo Xicheng say, "Then I'm going to work."

Until Mo Xicheng left the villa, Shi Nianyao had not come back to his senses, but when he turned around, he saw that his parents seemed to have no intention of settling accounts with her.

Shi Nianyao stuck out his tongue and ran upstairs.

 (End of this chapter)

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