Chapter 1506 He is my son... (85)

Only Shen Liangchuan knew that Wang Kan got the script of "Style Heroes 2" in his hands. The script was so good that he couldn't help but plan to film it this year.

After Shen Liangchuan took over the Shen family's business, he was concerned about various investment projects and cooperated with Director Wang. At the last celebration party, when Shen Liangchuan knew that he was going to return to the Mo family, he dragged him and cooperated on both sides. Invested in this big movie.

 So, it’s not surprising that people in the company don’t know about it now, because Wang Kan hasn’t let the news out yet.

Mo Zhi immediately shouted, "How come I didn't hear that Director Wang is planning to make a movie? Don't confuse things here, this must be fake!"

Mo Xicheng sneered, "If you didn't hear it, is it a lie?"

Mo Zhi shouted: "You must be here to delay time. Who doesn't know that Director Wang will be planning to shoot a new movie next year? Now that you are telling this, you must be trying to delay time and make excuses for offending Director Li!" That’s definitely the case, who can say for sure what will happen next year?”

 The people around him immediately echoed:

“Yes, Director Wang was originally filming a movie and took a year off. It is impossible to shoot a movie this year!”

“This is too much, and it’s 40%... Even if we can afford so much money, will Director Wang be willing to accept it?”

“The 40% you said was just your own imagination, right? Our company has just started to set up a film and television city. How could Director Wang trust you and give you 40%?”

"I see, even the cooperation thing may be fake. Today's young people, alas! They are so full of lies!"

 Everyone said something to me, and the conversation was lively.

Mo Xicheng looked at them and looked down at the time. The reason why he didn't say anything to refute, the reason why he kept delaying, and the reason why he kept letting Mo Zhi play a one-man show, was because... Director Wang said that today At 10:30 p.m., the filming preparations for "Synergy 2" will be announced.

 And now, it is ten twenty-nine.

He listened to everyone's words and remained silent, watching the time change to ten thirty.

He picked up his phone, opened Weibo, and found the official blog of the crew of "The Hero". As soon as he clicked on it, he saw a message pop up.

 "Syndicate 2" is expected to be filmed this year!

In the first few seconds when this news came out, perhaps no one noticed it, so it didn’t cause much interest. But a minute later, someone suddenly came out, screaming and forwarding it as if they had seen a bomb!

Seeing the news spread quickly, Mo Xicheng raised his eyes and looked at Mo Zhi.

When Mo Zhi saw that Mo Xicheng had not spoken, he thought he had hit the mark, and said with a sneer: "Everyone knows your status in the entertainment industry. They know that you filmed the leading actor of "The Hero", but that's Because Shen Liangchuan was not filming, the role was given to you! How good is your relationship with Director Wang? Oh, if it was really that good, you would have become famous in the entertainment industry for so many years! Don't think that you don't know the reason for being tepid all the time! Don't think that if you use Director Wang as a shield, we will let you go! Let me tell you, this is the case with Director Li! "You just joined the company and you messed up a big project in the company. The company must punish you!"

 PS: See you in the evening~~

 (End of this chapter)

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