Chapter 1509 He is my son... (88)

Mo Xicheng stared at him and wanted to speak, but Mo Zhi cursed again.

 Don't be stubborn and talk about others all the time.

Mo Xicheng just let him speak, and was not in a hurry. He sat on the chair and stared in front of him casually. He didn't even know what he said.

Twenty minutes later, Mo Xicheng came back to his senses and looked at Mo Zhi, just in time to hear Mo Zhi's words: "You must be feeling guilty if you don't say a word! I knew you were Director Wang is not signed! Director Wang’s investment has always been the most difficult to discuss in the industry! He slapped the fat man in the face, but now he is exposed, he just doesn’t say anything. Hehe, if you have the ability, you should really sign a contract with me. Let me see!"

After saying this, Mo Xicheng stood up and said, "If you keep talking, I'm afraid the contract will be ruined."

Mo Zhi was stunned, "What do you mean?"

“It means that the people you asked Director Wang to sign the contract have been waiting for twenty minutes. Are you still going to make them wait for another thirty minutes?”

Mo Zhi was immediately confused, "When did I make them wait for twenty minutes..."

At this point, he suddenly reacted, raised his head, and stared at Mo Xicheng in disbelief, "You mean, the person who came to see you just now..."

Mo Xicheng nodded, "Yes, the people who came to me just now are from Director Wang."

Mo Zhi stood up suddenly, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

 “Did you give me the chance you said you would?”

Mo Zhi swallowed his saliva and said, "That little receptionist is simply too much. How could such an important guest not speak out?"

Mo Xicheng continued to sneer, "Did you give her a chance to speak?"

 Mo Zhi:…

Mo Xicheng stared at him, "Everyone has their own opinions. The lady at the front desk must have noticed this and was anxious, so she interrupted our meeting. I kept telling you, so you can listen. , She was going to say something, but did you give her time? "

Mo Zhi swallowed his saliva, "I, I didn't know, I..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the office door again. The receptionist opened the door and walked directly in. "Mr. Mo, Director Wang's people are a little angry and want to leave..."

With one sentence, Mo Zhi immediately became anxious, "What? They must not leave! Let's go there now! Go there quickly!"

Mo Xicheng lazily sat on the chair and stared at Mo Zhi, "Didn't you say that even if the King of Heaven is here, I can't interrupt your meeting? So, don't be in a hurry, just leave as soon as you leave. , the worst case scenario is that an investment project goes bankrupt and we have to continue having meetings.”

The sarcastic tone and disdain made Mo Zhi's face turn red.

 Everyone around him looked at Mo Zhi, which made Mo Zhi even more angry.

He frowned and then said: "Mo Xicheng, you have already lost one project! Are you planning to lose the second one now?"

Mo Xicheng sneered, "Did I lose it? Director Wang's project was negotiated by me. I just wanted to sign a contract with him, but you didn't let me go out, and I had no choice..."

 Don’t say anything stubbornly, “Then you go now!”

Mo Xicheng sneered and said sarcastically: "Sorry, we are in a meeting. We must not interrupt the meeting. Come on, let's continue discussing investment issues. This is related to the future of the company..."

 (End of this chapter)

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