Chapter 1518 He is my son...(97)

 Mo Xicheng stared at Shi Nianyao, who was running over cheerfully and nervously, with a smile on his lips.

 The confusion I felt on the road disappeared at this moment, the moment I saw Shi Nianyao.

 He was able to raise such a positive and optimistic daughter, but in the end he had to entrust his daughter to his parents, which deserves his admiration.

If I could have a lovely daughter with Nian Yao in the future, I might not be able to bear it if she was abducted by another man.

So later, if Shi Jinyan treats him badly, he will have no choice but to endure it.

Thinking of this, Mo Xicheng turned around and took out bags after bags of things from the trunk.

Shi Nianyao immediately made a fuss, "Why did you buy so many things?"

 Mo Xicheng:…

Mo Xicheng raised his head and saw Si Jingyu walking to the door.

 He immediately smiled at Si Jingyu, and then said: "Auntie."

Si Jingyu nodded. Because he knew the truth about Mo Xicheng, he couldn't help but look at him with pity in his eyes.

 A man who was clearly the eldest young master was secretly exchanged and became an illegitimate child.

I have been scolded, beaten, and looked down upon since I was a kid. Fortunately, even though I was a little gloomy, I didn’t grow crooked. This is really God’s help.

She sighed and immediately waved to Mo Xicheng, "Mo Xicheng, you are here, come in quickly."

Then she glanced at the thing in his hand, and then at Shi Nianyao, and saw Shi Nianyao winking at her. She immediately cooperated with Shi Nianyao helplessly, turned to look into the living room, and said loudly on purpose: "Why did you buy so many things? You spend too much money!"

Mo Xicheng was slightly distracted watching the interaction between mother and daughter.

He has never seen how mothers and children get along in other families, but in their family, he and Yao Lili are not actually close.

In the past, he only thought that maybe there was a difference between men and women. After all, he was a son and Yao Lili was a woman, so there was some alienation between the two. But now, he felt that he and Yao Lili were not like mother and son. getting along with each other.

When he thought of this, he heard Si Jingyu say again: "Come in quickly!"

This voice interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to his senses. He hurriedly raised his head and looked at Si Jingyu, then nodded with a smile and followed Si Jingyu into the living room.

In the living room, Shi Jinyan was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. After hearing the sound, he raised his head lightly. When he saw Mo Xicheng, he nodded to him and immediately said: "Here he is."

 It’s like saying hello.

Mo Xicheng hurriedly stepped forward and said hello to Shi Jinyan: "Hello, uncle."

Shi Jinyan nodded, and his eyes fell on Mo Xicheng. There was a sense of scrutiny in his eyes, which made Mo Xicheng straighten his back unconsciously, for fear that he would not be able to get in if he did not perform well. Shi Jinyan's eyes.

Seeing this, Shi Jinyan's eyes darkened. Just as he was about to say something, Si Jingyu spoke: "Okay, you are tired after a busy day of work. The food is already prepared. Let's eat first. "

Anyway, when eating, the important thing is to eat without talking or sleep without speaking. If Shi Jinyan can't talk, he can't embarrass Mo Xicheng.

Shi Nianyao’s eyes lit up and he immediately said, “Yes, yes, yes, I’m so hungry!”

 (End of this chapter)

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