After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1539: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (18)

Chapter 1539 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (18)

This Weibo was forwarded like crazy, and many fans left messages below.

 —Damn, I didn’t expect you to be such a male god! Simply speechless! Bai likes you!

-is this real? is this real? is this real? I still don’t believe it!

—Although the current national law stipulates that illegitimate children can also inherit the family's property, Mo Xicheng's behavior makes me feel sick!

—I think Mrs. Mo has done her best by not despising you and raising you up, but I didn’t expect that you would still hold on to her. Such a person makes people speechless.

 —Yeah, it’s simply too much. Mo Xichenggun, I will never like you again!


All kinds of curse words are spreading crazily on the Internet.

Shi Nianyao was at home, preparing to make a love dinner for Mo Xicheng, when he suddenly received a call from Qiao Lian. He was still joking with her happily: "Lianlian, when did you think of me? I thought you were with me. Your actor Shen is so sweet that he forgets everyone around him! By the way, how are my goddaughter or son doing lately? You..."

Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Qiao Lian, "Stop talking nonsense, something happened to your boyfriend! Hurry up and look online!"

Shi Nianyao, who was on the phone and staring at the oven seriously, stood up straight when he heard this, "What's going on?"

 She immediately exited the call, opened Weibo, and was immediately angered by the Weibo headlines!

After seeing clearly what was going on, Shi Nianyao couldn't help but cursed angrily, "Damn it! This Yao Lili is out of her mind! If others don't know what's going on, how can she not know? Then Mo How far have you gone to bully my boyfriend? Are you still not allowed to fight back?"

She gasped in anger and her eyes were red. When she saw the words scolding Mo Xicheng on the Internet, she felt even sadder than scolding herself.

Mo Xicheng has been through so many years, how hard it has been. It took a lot of effort to get to where he is now, what about now?

Her tears rolled down directly, and she choked with sobs and said, "Lianlian, what should we do now? My boyfriend will probably be heartbroken to death!"

Qiao Lian sighed, "This matter is getting more serious now. First of all, what Yao Lili said are indirect facts. Besides, everyone is opposed to illegitimate children and mistresses. Thirdly, Mo Zhi is now in a Weak people, the public likes to sympathize with the weak, that’s for sure, so... this matter is really difficult.”

Shi Nianyao immediately clenched his fists, "So, will my male idol have to bear these rumors? It was obviously them who made the mistake, and it was Yao Lili who made the mistake. Why should they blame it on my male idol!"

Qiao Lian comforted her: "Don't worry, we are all thinking of a solution together. I will ask Shen Liangchuan to think of a solution as well."

Shi Nianyao nodded, "Well, I have to go and see my boyfriend now. He must be very sad now."

 Don’t feel bad if you are misunderstood, and don’t feel bad if you are insulted.

 But he must be feeling particularly sad now. As his closest mother in this world, Yao Lili’s behavior is heartbreaking.

Thinking of this, Shi Nianyao hurriedly changed his shoes and ran to Mo's company. She wants to stay with her boyfriend.

 (End of this chapter)

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