After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1544: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (twenty three)

Chapter 1544 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (twenty three)

As soon as he finished this sentence, the manager suddenly realized that the other phone was still on, and fell silent. After a while, he finally said: "Mo, Brother Mo..."

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and spoke slowly, with a calm strength in his voice, "If there is another call like this, just agree to it. If you argue with them, you will lose your grace."

The agent's voice suddenly choked up, "But they are really bullying me too much, I..."

“If they are willing to get together and part ways, forget it. If they are not willing, and insist on making us pay liquidated damages, then hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit with them.”

 When it’s time to be strong, Mo Xicheng will never give in.

 The agent nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Mo Xicheng smiled and said, "Don't worry. Everything can be eased."

The agent paused for a moment, then nodded, "Yes, you can go there anytime. Brother Mo, don't put too much pressure on me."

Mo Xicheng nodded.

The agent hesitated for a moment and said, "Then you can either go home now. After all, it is really not safe in the company, or I will go find someone to protect you now."

Mo Xicheng thought for a while and said, "Okay, you can ask the bodyguard to come over. At this moment, it's better for me to go home."

The agent nodded, "I'll arrange for someone to come find you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Mo Xicheng pondered for a moment in the office, then stood up and was about to walk out. At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came over. Mo Xicheng raised his head and said Seeing Li Shu standing at the door of his office, he hesitated and shouted, "Mo Xicheng..."

Mo Xicheng was stunned and looked at Li Shu blankly. After a while, he lowered his eyes, nodded to Li Shu, and then walked out.

Li Shu looked at Mo Xicheng's depressed look and narrowed his eyes.

She stared at Mo Xicheng, took a deep breath, and then said: "Don't worry, this public opinion will be suppressed. Don't worry, I will let you live upright in this world!"

The words contained a sonorous and firm tone, which made Mo Xicheng raise his head in confusion as he listened.

He saw Li Shu standing there. When she said this, there was an unusual emotion in her eyes. He tried hard to see that emotion clearly.

 He could see in her the same anger as him, and the same tragedy as him.

 But why is she like this?

He narrowed his eyes. For some reason, he suddenly thought that Gao Feng was in the company and helped him in every way, and Gao Feng had always had a good relationship with Li Shu...

 So could it be that Li Shu asked Gao Feng to take care of himself?

Even though this reason is weird and unbelievable, at this moment, he would rather believe that this is it than believe that Li Shu will unite with Gao Feng to rectify himself.

 He narrowed his eyes, and after a while he slowly said, "Why...why are you helping me so much?"

Li Shu bit his tongue at first, and his eye circles suddenly turned red.

 A pair of eyes stared at him hard, and she knew that now was the time to tell the truth.

She could not delay it any longer, she had to tell Mo Xicheng the truth personally and face to face.

 She wants her son to stop living in the darkness, appear in the sunshine, and live an upright life!

 (End of this chapter)

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