After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1547: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (26)

Chapter 1547 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (26)

Mo Xicheng was young at the time and didn’t understand the reason.

 He just remembered what happened at that time, and later these things were automatically sealed by him.

He still remembered seeing Yao Lili several times and Mo Zhi in a daze. When Mo Zhi called Li Shu’s mother, she couldn’t help but say, “Hey!”

Whenever he calls her mother at this time, she will push him away with disgust and scold him: "Bastard, don't call me mother!"


 Things from the past appear in my mind one by one.

 Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes and stood still.

He thought again of the complicated look in Li Shu's eyes when he looked at him just now, of Li Shu asking Gao Feng to help him, and of everything that had happened recently...

 Some idea suddenly came to mind.

 But immediately, he was suppressing him firmly.

 He felt that this was impossible.

 How is this possible?

 This is too dramatic.

  Absolutely impossible.

He lowered his eyes and tried hard not to think about this idea, but his mind was uncontrollable and began to go in that direction.

While he was in a daze, he heard Shi Nianyao's voice, "Mo Xicheng!"

He looked up and saw Shi Nianyao rushing over in a hurry. As soon as he came over, he held his hand, panting heavily because he ran all the way, "Mo Xicheng, those **** on the Internet are simply It’s so abominable! Don’t read the messages on the Internet. Come with me and let’s go back and have a good rest!”

 Shi Nianyao stared at him nervously, as if he was afraid that Mo Xicheng would be knocked down by these entertainments, but when he found that he didn't seem to have any other reaction except that he was not in good spirits, Shi Nianyao felt relieved.

 When Mo Xicheng saw her, his depressed mood instantly improved.

He dragged Nian Yao and followed him into his office, closed the door, and then said, "Why are you here?"

Shi Nianyao stared at him carefully, and when he saw that he was fine, he replied: "I'm worried about you."

"I'm fine." Mo Xicheng walked to the side, poured a glass of water for Shi Nianyao, and handed it to her, "Drink some water, your lips are dry."

Shi Nianyao took the water cup and looked at him again, "Are you really okay?"

Mo Xicheng laughed directly, "It's really okay. Can this little thing crush me?"

Shi Nianyao bit his lip immediately, "But when I saw the news, everyone was shocked. Your mother...she went too far!"

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and nodded.

But Shi Nianyao couldn't help but said: "Isn't everyone in peace? What happened recently? This kind of thing happened suddenly. It just caught people off guard. What is going to happen in this matter? manage?"

Mo Xicheng said: "Don't be afraid, this matter can definitely be solved. There are many ups and downs in the entertainment industry, and we all have our own ability to deal with public relations. The most rational way to handle this matter is Waiting for him to weaken, let things slowly settle down, and let everyone accept my identity, and I will also hold a press conference to admit myself to the public and face myself."

Shi Nianyao’s eyes were red when he heard these words.

 Facing oneself is easy to say, but how many people are unable to face themselves?

And Mo Xicheng faced his own consequences, and he clearly understood that... from now on, his life will always bear this stain.

 (End of this chapter)

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