After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1570: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (49)

Chapter 1570 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (49)

Yao Lili was immediately disheartened when she saw Mo Zhi's expression.

 Her whole life, all her thoughts have been on Mo Zhi. Even though she always felt guilty when facing Mo Xicheng, she still suppressed Mo Xicheng.

 But what’s the result?

She paid so much for Mo Zhi, but she didn't get a single gift from Mo Zhi.

 She suppressed Mo Xicheng, but in the years since she left the Mo family, she had not suffered any injustice in life. Mo Xicheng made money for her.

At this moment, Yao Lili felt infinite guilt in her heart.

 But it was too late.

She was dragged by the arm by the police and when she was being taken outside, she couldn't help but look back at everything in the room.

She couldn't help but think, if she could do it all over again, would she do it again?

 The answer is yes.

 Because...Mo Zhi is her son, but Mo Xicheng is not.

Every parent probably treats his or her child like this, not asking for anything in return, but just hoping that he or she will live well...

Yao Lili was taken out by the police, and the room became quiet for a while.

 Mo Zhi, Mo Xicheng, Li Shu and Mo Hai were sitting in the four directions of the room. No one spoke to break the awkward silence.

Mo Zhi stared at Li Shu and Mo Hai in panic, as if he was afraid of being abandoned, which was a bit unbearable to look at.

 Ten minutes later, Mo Hai took the lead to break the silence.

 He looked at Mo Zhi and asked, "When did you know about it?"

Mo Zhi’s eye circles instantly turned red.

His voice was a little choked, "Dad, I, I only found out about this half a year ago. When I was a child, she often did some strange behaviors, but they were not excessive. Until half a year ago, he blocked me. They told me this in the room. I didn’t believe it at first, but I secretly checked the DNA... Dad, I didn’t want to lose you and my mother, so I never spoke. I really didn’t mean it. The...wuwuwu..."

 He cried like a child, so innocent that it made people feel heartbroken.

Mo Hai stared at him, "So, actually, a few days ago, I blocked you in the room, didn't you..."

Mo Zhi choked and spoke: "I was beaten, she just cared about me and showed me the wound..."

Mo Hai fell silent immediately. He looked at Li Shu again and asked tentatively, "Li Shu, look at him..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Zhi made a plop and knelt on the ground.

He lowered his head and cried loudly: "Dad, Mom, I was really wrong, I was wrong! But I have been the eldest son of the Mo family since I was a child. I don't know anything. Now suddenly tell me, Mo Xichengcai It’s true, I don’t want to lose my current life, that’s why I’m so confused, but I really don’t want to do this, I don’t want to…”

Li Shu lowered his eyes, "So recently, you have been uncharacteristically disobedient and targeted Mo Xicheng because you knew the truth?"

Mo Zhi nodded, "I'm afraid you know his identity. I was wrong...Mom, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

After all, he is the child he raised. When Li Shu saw him like this, he couldn't help but stare at him softly: "No, you are right. The person who is really wrong is me! I can't even look down on my own children, so I still What kind of mother is this?! You have made my son suffer for so many years...Mo Zhi, ask yourself, how have I treated you, and how have Yao Lili treated Mo Xicheng? you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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