After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1579: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (58)

Chapter 1579 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (58)

“In fact, I am grateful to her in my heart. It’s just that our identities are on opposite sides, so we have had less contact with each other before, and we are also relatively unfamiliar.”

Si Jingyu suddenly realized, "You mean, you don't blame her?"

Mo Xicheng nodded, "I have never blamed her. Now, I just don't know how to face her. The sudden change in identity makes me unfamiliar."

Si Jingyu breathed a sigh of relief. She stood up and looked at Mo Xicheng with a satisfied expression on her face. "Good boy, you have an open-minded personality. Such people will definitely be happier in life. Leave Nian Yao to You, I’m relieved too.”

Mo Xicheng nodded when he heard this.

The two of them talked for a few more words, and then Si Jingyu stood up. Mo Xicheng sent her to the car and watched the car drive away.

Even if I say goodbye to Shi Nianyao again, there is still nothing I can do.


 The following days became busy.

 First of all, all the positions held by Mo Zhi in the company have now been given to Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng is busy every day.

Mo Hai, perhaps out of guilt for Mo Xicheng, never came to the company again, as if he wanted to hand over the entire company to Mo Xicheng.

Every day at noon in the company, there will be a scene, that is, Li Shuhui brings the meal he cooked to Mo Xicheng's room.

 The current relationship between the two people is like the most familiar strangers.

 Everyone in the company knew that Madam was compensating Mo Xicheng, so no one gossiped.

 Mo Xicheng is capable and capable, and he took over the company quickly.

Li Shu is also urging Mo Hai to force Mo Zhi to hand over 20% of his shares.

But every time, Mo Zhi promised well, but the share transfer agreement was never signed.

Until noon that day, Li Shu did not come to the company to deliver meals. He just asked the housekeeper to call him and said that he had something to do today and would not come over.

 After a busy morning, Mo Xicheng calmed down and realized something was wrong.

Because Li Shu was ashamed of him, he had been trying to make up for it in recent times, always putting it off.

 Now that you suddenly haven’t come over, is something wrong?

While thinking about it, he saw the secretary suddenly rushing over, "Oh no, Mr. Mo, something happened!"

Mo Xicheng was slightly startled, his eyes darkened, "Don't panic, what happened?"

The secretary hurriedly took out his cell phone and handed it to Mo Xicheng.

 Mo Xicheng looked over and saw the title of a report: [A certain young master commits suicide and is renting a house]

 That was a story-filled report, and the accompanying picture was a photo of Mo Zhi slitting his wrists and committing suicide!

 He was in a depressed state, with thick bandages on his wrists, and was taken to an ambulance.

In reports, because of sympathy for the weak, most of them say that the source of all bad things is Yao Lili, and Mo Zhi is actually the most innocent.

Although Mo Xicheng deserves sympathy, he inherited the Mo family's company from scratch.

As for Mo Zhi, he spent the first half of his life as the heir of the Mo family, but now, he has become a street gangster with no money!

  【Does the child have to pay for the mother's fault? Behind the entire family's civet cat swapping for the prince, the most pitiful and innocent one is actually the civet cat...】

Mo Xicheng's eyes narrowed when he saw this.

 (End of this chapter)

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