After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1582: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (61)

Chapter 1582 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (61)

The three of them walked outside the door. Mo Guanhai closed the door of the ward and pointed to the balcony next to it.

This thoughtful gesture made Li Shu squint his eyes.

 On the balcony.

Mo Hai lit a cigarette and took a long puff.

 For a while, none of the three people spoke.

They looked at each other until Mo Hai finished smoking his cigarette. Neither Mo Xicheng nor Li Shu took the lead to speak.

Mo Hai looked at Mo Xicheng, and a feeling of appreciation rose up in his heart.

Mo Xicheng's composure is definitely enough.

 He coughed and then said, "I want to hear your opinions about Mo Zhi."

Mo Xicheng said nothing.

Li Shu, who had always been calm, immediately became angry at this moment, "Mo Hai, what do you mean?! Did you really believe what Mo Zhi said?! Do you think it was Mo Xicheng who found Li Tianyu to deal with Mo Zhi?" ?”

If Mo Hai had misunderstood her, Li Shu wouldn't be so excited. But at this moment, it was his son who was misunderstood, and Li Shu couldn't bear it.

As soon as she got excited, Mo Hai immediately gave up: "No, that's not what I meant. Li Shu, don't be anxious. Listen to me and tell me slowly, is it okay?"

Li Shu then took a deep breath and said, "Say."

Mo Hai said: "Mo Zhi really doesn't have the ability to survive alone. Can I take him home? He will live in the room where Yao Lili and the others lived before. I won't give him too much money in the future." , and in this way, he can be monitored under his nose, which makes Mo Xicheng feel more at ease, right? "

After saying these words, Li Shu suddenly felt a lump in his heart.

She looked at Mo Hai disappointedly, and after a while she smiled mockingly, "Just do whatever you want."

Mo Hai was overjoyed when he heard Li Shu's next words, "But if you want to enter the house, you can. Just like Mo Xicheng, show enough sincerity to let me know that he doesn't care about anyone in the company." Covet, otherwise..."

Mo Hai hurriedly asked: "What kind of sincerity do you show?"

Li Shu narrowed his eyes, "He took away all the working capital of the company, which has caused Mo Xicheng to be in a dilemma in the company now. He has to make up for this money."

Mo Hai's eyes suddenly widened, "He is now a pauper, how can he compensate for this?!"

Li Shu sneered, "Didn't he buy stocks?"

Mo Hai was a little embarrassed, "Recently, the stock price dropped by three yuan. It was too low. I lost two-thirds of the money... Oh!"

Li Shu lowered his eyes and said in a very calm tone: "The company's liquidity cannot be circulated. Now the shareholders have their opinions, and... it is almost the end of the month, and the workers' wages have not been settled yet. By then, the workers will Raise a banner to protest, let me see how you can explain it to the government! Also, Director Wang is also looking to ask for money at the end of the month. If the money cannot be paid, the company will bear a larger amount of liquidated damages! Wherever you need money, you can take care of it yourself!”

The questions and questions made Mo Hai blush.

He coughed and then said: "Didn't I...sell the house and make up for the money?"

Li Shu narrowed his eyes and raised his head, "Selling the house? Whose house do you want to sell? It is the joint property of our husband and wife. You want to sell the house, do I agree?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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