After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1591: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (70)

Chapter 1591 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (70)

Mo Xicheng originally had no intention of going home.

 Just thinking that Li Shu had not gone to the company to deliver food to him in the past two days, he came to Mo's house after work, wanting to visit her.

 But he never expected that when he returned home, he would see such a scene!

Li Shu fell to the ground, pressed his hands on the fragments, and blood flowed out.

His eyes narrowed, and he hurriedly took two steps to reach Li Shu, and then held her hand, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Li Shu bit his lip and said nothing.

Mo Xicheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Mo Hai.

Mo Hai was supporting Mo Zhi who had fainted. When he saw this situation, his eyes fell on Li Shu's hand.

He wanted to rush over to see what happened to Li Shu, but he thought of Mo Zhi who was unconscious.

He turned his head hurriedly and looked at Mo Zhi. He couldn't leave him alone, and he couldn't leave Li Shu alone, so he was deadlocked in place for a while.

At this moment, Mo Xicheng had already picked up Li Shu, then walked around Mo Hai and walked out.

Mo Hai wanted to catch up and took a step forward. Just as he was about to walk forward, he saw that Mo Xicheng had left quickly and rushed directly to the car outside, "Mom, don't worry, I will take you to the hospital for bandage. "

Shards of glass pricked my hand. Many of them must have been dealt with by a doctor.

Li Shu didn’t say anything, he just had a cold face and was very solemn.

Mo Xicheng felt a little pain in his heart when he saw Li Shu's appearance.

 He drove quickly and walked to the hospital with Li Shu.

Mo Hai was left standing there holding Mo Zhi.

When the car was far away, Mo Hai realized what he was doing and hurriedly called someone, "Call 120!"

The housekeeper came over, and Mo Hai immediately handed Mo Zhi to the housekeeper, then hurried to the yard, drove his car, and chased after him.


 In the hospital.

The nurse cleaned Li Shu's wound. After bandaging it, she murmured: "Your wound needs to be kept away from raw water for three days, otherwise it will easily become inflamed. Nothing else is wrong. All the fragments have been taken care of." Don’t worry.”

Li Shu didn't say anything, so Mo Xicheng nodded, then supported Li Shu and walked out.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Mo Hai running over out of breath. When he saw Li Shu, he immediately became anxious, "Li Shu, how is your hand? Are you okay?"

Li Shu narrowed his eyes and stared at Mo Hai. After a while, he sneered and said nothing.

Mo Hai grabbed her hand and said, "Let me take a look, but don't leave any scars..."

Li Shu wanted to pull his hand back, but Mo Hai refused to let her go. As the two of them pulled, Mo Xicheng suddenly stretched out his hand and held Mo Hai's wrist, "Let her go."

Mo Hai was startled and raised his head. When he saw Mo Xicheng, he was slightly startled.

I don’t know when it started, but Mo Xicheng was half a head taller than him without even realizing it.

The face that looked somewhat similar to Mo Hai's was cold and serious at the moment.

That look made Mo Hai let go of his hand unconsciously.

 Then he saw Mo Xicheng pulling Li Shu behind him and blocking him in front of Li Shu.

Mo Xicheng stared at Mo Hai, "Please get out of the way."

Mo Hai was angry, "I am your father!"

Hearing this, Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes and slowly said, "I thought I only had my mother. No one can hurt her."

 (End of this chapter)

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