After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1599: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (78)

Chapter 1599 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (78)

 “Bang!” A fist hit Mo Zhi **** the face, causing him to turn his face away.

Immediately, he spat out a mouthful of blood. There was a tooth mixed in the blood, which showed how much force Mo Hai used in this punch.

Mo Zhi got up from the ground, then looked at Mo Hai, and met his bloodshot eyes.

 Mo Hai was really angry.

 He never thought that Mo Zhi would deceive him.

Thinking again of the way Li Shu looked at him today, he instantly felt an indescribable guilt and regret!

 How on earth did he say those words to Li Shu?

How sad and desperate must Li Shu be to say the word divorce to him?

Li Shu must be frustrated with him.

Thinking of this, Mo Hai staggered back a step. He went straight out without even looking at Mo Zhi.

 He drove the car and drove directly to Mo Xicheng's villa.

Speeding like crazy along the way, he was so anxious that he could not wait to see Li Shu immediately, tell her that he had misunderstood, tell her that he was wrong, and let Li Shu return to him.

But when the car actually stopped in front of the villa, Mo Hai braked directly. His car stopped on the roadside outside the villa. Through the glass window, he could see that Li Shu's room had been closed. Lights up.

 She should be fast asleep.

He didn't know whether to disturb her, let alone whether Li Shu would forgive him after seeing her and saying those words.

 When he thought of this, he immediately lowered his head, feeling a little nervous and a little confused.

 He suddenly felt a sense of fear, afraid that Li Shu would not forgive him...

 Mo Hai was a little at a loss for the first time.

 No, this is not the first time.

 This is the second time.

The first time was when Yao Lili appeared in front of them with a bulging belly. He was also so panicked, fearing that Li Shu, who was about to give birth to a bulging belly, would leave him...

 At that time, Li Shu stayed.

 What about this time...?

Mo Hai didn't know the answer. He asked himself, is he really worthy of Li Shu?

 He really loves her.

 The frivolity of my youth was restrained because of my love for her.

 He transformed from a **** to a man of deep love and righteousness.

 Put all your thoughts on her.

He is such a person. Once he catches his eye, he will spend all his thoughts and energy to love her and protect her.

 Just like Mo Zhi, the same is true.

 Because he has raised the child since he was a child, he will tolerate it even if it is not good.

 But now…

 Mo Hai shook his head and threw these thoughts away. He walked directly out of the car and slowly came to the door.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but he knew that doing so in the middle of the night would affect other people's rest.

But I can’t sleep, can Li Shu sleep?

 Could she be tossing and turning because of her own misunderstanding?

These years flashed through his mind one by one, making his hand rise and fall again.

 Lift it up again, then fall down...

After repeating this several times, the door of the villa was suddenly opened.

Mo Hai was slightly startled and took a step back in fright. Through the slowly opening door, he saw Mo Xicheng.

Mo Xicheng stood there, staring at him.

Mo Hai frowned, "I want to see Li Shu."

Mo Xicheng didn't answer, just looked at him, and then he walked out and blocked the door: "Want to have a drink?"

 (End of this chapter)

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