After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1603: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (82)

Chapter 1603 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (82)

 In the lounge outside the ward.

Lawyer Chen looked at Mo Zhi, then turned around and sat next to Mo Hai.

 He nodded to Mo Hai, "I'm sorry for what happened to Mr. Mo Zhi."

Mo Hai said nothing and stared at him directly.

Lawyer Chen sighed, took out a divorce agreement from his briefcase, and handed it to Mo Hai, "This is the divorce agreement proposed by Ms. Li Shu. It has several requirements. Take a look. You don't know. Would you agree?"

Mo Hai was stunned, staring at the huge words "divorce agreement" on the agreement.

This look made Lawyer Chen sigh again, and he told him directly, "Ms. Li Shu said that the Mo family now has 30% of the shares, in the hands of Mo Xicheng, and Mo Zhi once sold Give them 20% of the shares, and now they own 50% of the shares. Ms. Li Shu owns 10% of the company, so they now have 60%. In your hands, it seems that they still have 50% of the shares. She owns more than 30% of the company's shares. Her request is that the shares you hold in the future should be divided equally between Mo Xicheng and Mo Zhi. Ms. Li Shu said that this is worthy of Mo. I insisted. Because before, the Mo family planned not to give Mo Xicheng a penny. "

After lawyer Chen finished saying this, he raised his head again and looked at Mo Hai, seeing that he was staring at the divorce agreement without any reaction.

Lawyer Chen couldn't help but said: "Mr. Mo? Mr. Mo?"

Mo Hai finally came back to his senses, and he hummed.

 Lawyer Chen did not speak.

 After waiting for a while, Mo Hai still did not speak.

Lawyer Chen couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Mo, do you have any dissatisfaction with this divorce agreement? If you are not dissatisfied, we can sign it..."

After saying this, Mo Hai said directly: "I'm very dissatisfied."

Lawyer Chen was stunned.

Mo Hai then put down the divorce agreement in his hand, raised his head and looked at Lawyer Chen, "I said, I am very dissatisfied."

Lawyer Chen paused and then sighed, "Okay, then we can modify whatever you are dissatisfied with."

 “I’m not satisfied anywhere.”

Lawyer Chen paused and then said: "Mr. Mo, the requirements in this divorce agreement are actually in accordance with national laws and are not excessive at all. If you disagree and go to court, this is The lowest standard…”

 Mo Hai nodded when he heard this.

Lawyer Chen couldn't help but sigh when he saw his appearance.

 He took out another divorce agreement from his bag.

Mo Hai was stunned.

Lawyer Chen handed him the divorce agreement, "This is what Mr. Mo Xicheng told me. If you don't agree, then take a look at this divorce agreement."

Mo Hai stared at the agreement.

Lawyer Chen continued to explain, "This share, more than 30% of the shares in your hands belong to you and have nothing to do with Ms. Mo Xicheng and Ms. Li Shu. From now on, this share belongs to Mo Zhi. Also, you The property in your name belongs to you. As long as you get divorced, they say that no property will be divided!”

In other words, Mo Xicheng gave up his inheritance rights in order to allow Li Shu and Mo Hai to leave successfully, in order to allow Li Shu to escape from the clutches of the devil as soon as possible, and in order to allow Li Shu to live a happy life!

“Mr. Mo, which of these two divorce agreements do you choose?”

 (End of this chapter)

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