After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1618: Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (97)

Chapter 1618 Mo Xicheng rectifies his name! (97)

 How many billion?

A scumbag like him is probably not even worth a few dollars!

Mo Hai's face turned livid with anger. He took several deep breaths, then turned to his cell phone and said in a deep voice: "Fifty million, please stop making trouble. Save this money, it will be enough for you to spend the rest of your life!"

"But I always have to marry a wife, dad, and I will have children of my own in the future. I think shares are more reliable. If you are not willing to give me 30%, then just give me the shares that belong to me." Give that part back to me!”

"Mo Zhi, I advise you to recognize the facts clearly! Do you know that the things you are suing to the court are simply impossible to establish!"

“Of course I know, but Dad, you forced me to do this!”

"I force you?" Mo Hai was a little surprised. Isn't he good enough to him?

He almost killed himself, but Mo Hai didn't call the police. What did Mo Zhi want him to do? !

"Dad, I have nothing now, nothing! Do you know, I have nothing! Barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. Let me tell you, I just want to make a fuss about this matter. If it makes a big fuss, I'm not afraid of anything, but what about you? Even if I don't get anything in the end, I will ruin the reputation of the Mo family, let Mo Xi bear the reputation of forcing his younger brother, and let Li Shu bear the responsibility of being an unfit mother. Deserve the infamy!”

Mo Hai was so angry at him, "Mo Zhi, I think you are really daydreaming! Do you think it is easy to sue us? You can't even afford the money for the lawsuit now!"

"Who says I can't get it? I have friends to help me. Let me tell you, I don't want much, just a few hundred million. You just need to give me 100 million. That's it. How about that? ?”

 One sentence left Mo Hai suddenly speechless.

After a while, he slowly said: "Mo Zhi, you know, I have never failed to give you a penny. Do you know the current market value of the apartment building I gave you?"

Mo Zhi was stunned, "How much?"

“That’s a big house of 200 square meters. Its current market value is 50 million. And you may not know that I have prepared 50 million in cash for you to guarantee your livelihood for the rest of your life!”

These amounts of money add up to 100 million!

"…Dad!" Mo Zhi's voice instantly changed from anger to shock.

Mo Hai looked at the phone, "Everything I have ever wanted to give you has been pushed away by you. But now, these things you want...I tell you, it's too late, from the moment you leave the house , you are no longer a member of the Mo family, and all the property of the Mo family belongs to Mo Xicheng. I tell you, unless Mo Xicheng agrees, you will not get a penny. !”

As soon as he said this, Mo Hai hung up the phone!

Mo Zhi's expression on the other side of the phone changed several times. Hearing the busy tone on the phone, he lowered his head and looked at the phone.

While he was staring there quietly, a hand suddenly patted his shoulder.

Mo Zhi immediately turned around and saw a man with a big belly standing behind him, "How about it, Master Mo, can you do it?"

Mo Zhi said directly: "It can be done, don't worry, as long as you give me the money for the lawsuit, when the money arrives, each of us will get half of it! How about it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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