Epilogue of Chapter 1624 (3)

Pobelly was really reluctant to let go of Mo Zhi. In order to be afraid that he would do something, he specially found a lawyer.

The lawyer explained to Mo Zhi in detail, "Those properties belong to Mo Hai and have nothing to do with you. You said that your shares were defrauded, but Mo Xicheng also gave a reasonable explanation, and that year, it was It doesn't make sense that you signed it yourself... Also, you said that you have the right to inherit Mo Hai's property. Yes, this is true, but this is property that can only be inherited after Mo Hai's death. Now people If you are alive and well, why should you ask him for money? And as far as I know, Mo Hai has already begun to transfer all his property to Mo Xicheng. In other words, even if Mo Hai dies now, His property may have all been inherited by Mo Xi!"

 Don’t be so stubborn that you can’t speak.

He stared at the lawyer, his hands trembling, and after a while he said, "Why?! The son Mo Hai has always liked is mine. He has no feelings for Mo Xicheng at all, why do he treat me like this?!"

The lawyer sighed, "I've also inquired about this matter. I guess Mo Hai only cares about Li Shu's reputation... You have to know how much he likes Li Shu."

The lawyer is a bit older and knows a little bit about what happened back then. "Your father shocked the entire circle in order to pursue your mother. He thought of almost all methods. Only then did he catch up. You should have been able to see that feeling and that persistence after so many years... So actually Li Shu said the truth, you should go to Mo Hai to ask Li Shu for this matter instead of asking Li Shu to give you money. Mo Hai won't say a word. After all, you are a child who has been watched by Li Shu and Mo Hai. Li Shu must have some feelings for you. You have only one way, and that is to cry and cry to Li Shu. Asking for money and crying about how pathetic he is.”

 Crying to Li Shu?

How can this be!

Mo Zhi clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes.

 After a while, he spoke: "Then I'll try it."

 After saying this, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

After the lawyer left, Mo Zhi looked at Big Belly and said, "I always feel that there is still room for maneuver in this matter. You know, if the matter gets serious, the Shi family's face will not look good. Shi Nianyao and Mo Xicheng are engaged! Even if the Mo family doesn’t care about their own reputation, don’t they also care about the Shi family’s reputation?”

After finishing the sentence, Big Belly looked at him with pity, "In BJ, haven't you clearly distinguished the group of people who can't be offended the most?"

Mo Zhi was stunned. "What?"

The big belly sighed, "There are many powerful people, so I won't go into details one by one, but you should be very clear about the background of the Shi family. When has the Shi family ever been afraid of trouble? If reporters in the industry knew what was going on When it comes to the Shi family, do you think any of them would dare to report it? ! You are trying to beat the odds against a rock. No wonder you have nothing until now. With your IQ, Mo Hai must have lost all his strength. !”

Mo Zhi started crying when he heard this, "Then what should I do now? I have nothing left...What can I do?!"

Belly patted him on the shoulder, "The only way you can do now is to find Li Shu!"

 (End of this chapter)

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