Epilogue of Chapter 1629 (8)

Li Shu’s entire brain was empty.

She looked intently at the man in front of her, at the shirt on his chest, which was stained red with blood, and at him falling weakly to the ground, her pupils dilated...

She felt as if her heart was tightly grasped by something, and the pain was severe.

 She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t know what to do.

She just squatted on the ground, kneeling on the ground, covering his chest with both hands, trying to suppress the blood from him.

It seems that as long as this is done, as long as the blood does not flow out, Mo Hai still has a chance to survive...

After shouting a few words, she wanted to continue speaking, but when she spoke, she found that she was choked to death.

  There was also warm liquid flowing down from her eye sockets...

Li Shu felt as if his throat was being strangled and he couldn't speak.

At this moment, someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Mo Xicheng standing behind her with a heavy face. His eyes were dark, staring at the man lying on the ground, and he said calmly, "Mom ,I come…"

 The ambulance came very quickly. About five minutes later, Mo Hai got into the ambulance.

Li Shu was concerned and followed Mo Hai.

Her eyes were always fixed on Mo Hai, and tears kept flowing from her eyes.

She looked at Mo Hai and said directly: "Mo Hai, you can't die... wake up, open your eyes..."

She shouted and couldn't help but cover her face and burst into tears.

 She thought she no longer loved Mo Hai.

 She thought that she finally thought about it and would never have any more entanglements with Mo Hai.

 She thought…

 But that was all what she thought.

 Until this moment, she finally discovered that her love for Mo Hai had been deeply suppressed by her from beginning to end.

 Otherwise, after so many years, she would be traveling alone, and it would be impossible for her not to fall in love with someone else again...

 She was not heartbroken by the marriage at all, but her heart was always with Mo Hai!

She looked at Mo Hai lying on the stretcher and couldn't help but hold his hand tightly, "Mo Hai, wake up, I won't let you die, do you know?! Did you hear that? You give me Open your eyes! You still owe us a lot, and you have to pay it back to us. What does it mean to die like this? Mo Hai, open your eyes, do you hear me?"

 She cried like a confused and ignorant child who just wanted to wake up the person she cared about most.

 But the dagger on Mo Hai's chest is too big and too eye-catching...

Just as she was crying, the hand holding Mo Hai was suddenly held in reverse.

Li Shu was suddenly startled. He raised his head and saw the eyes on Mo Hai's pale face slowly opening.

Her eyes were red as she stared at Mo Hai. The moment she saw him waking up, she immediately shouted: "Mo Hai, you're awake! Don't let anything happen to you. I won't let anything happen to you. Do you understand? Didn't you say Have you ever lived? You have to obey me for the rest of your life, so I tell you now, I want you to live, live!"

Even if they can't be together...she still hopes that he can live.

As long as he lives, she feels it is enough.

 But now…

Mo Hai held Li Shu's hand and stared at her with a pair of deep eyes, full of infinite friendship and affection. He suddenly said: "Li Shu, I'm sorry..."

PS: I can’t continue to stay up late like this, so I have to adjust my work and rest time, and then I will update a chapter tonight, and I will go to bed~ I will wake up tomorrow, write during the day, and update during the day~~

 (End of this chapter)

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