Chapter 1633 Ending (12)

 One sentence made Shi Nianyao's eyes immediately turn red.

 How about Mo Hai, she actually doesn’t feel much.

 A man who betrayed his wife, she was not optimistic about Mo Hai's future life with Li Shu.

 But she feels sorry for her boyfriend.

Mo Xicheng must be feeling complicated at this moment.

 Mo Hai has loved Mo Zhi the most since he was a child. He tried so hard to get Mo Hai to notice him, but Mo Hai never paid attention to him.

It's okay now. Mo Hai was injured by his favorite son. Is this considered retribution?

 But from beginning to end, the person who made people feel the most distressed was always Mo Xicheng.

Even now, those bad guys have received the punishment they deserve, but the pain of Mo Xicheng's childhood cannot be erased.

Shi Nianyao thought of this, stood up, walked to Mo Xicheng's side, stretched out his arms and hugged him.

Mo Xicheng held Shi Nianyao's hand, and then stared forward, his eyes still straight.

After a while, Mo Xicheng saw a policeman approaching.

 The police came to investigate and collect evidence. After all, Mo Hai's death was an abnormal cause of death.

Because there were so many people at the scene who saw it with their own eyes, and they were all reporters, they sensitively captured the record of Mo holding a knife to commit the murder, so there was almost no suspense, and it was determined that the murderer was Mo Zhi.

 But at this time, Mo Zhi disappeared.

 The police began to search throughout the city for where Mo Zhi was.

"Excuse me, do you know where Mo Zhihui is? We have searched everywhere and can't find him." the police asked.

Mo Xicheng narrowed his eyes, "He seems to be borrowing private loans at high interest rates from a man named Big Belly."

"We know this, we have also found Dadu, but Dadu said that Mo Zhi did not go back. We searched his house, but we did not see Mo Zhi's figure."

Mo Xicheng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly thought of something and lowered his head, "I know where he might be. I will take you to see him."

 The policemen nodded.

Mo Xicheng stood up immediately, nodded to Shi Nianyao, and started walking to the hospital.

 Two policemen, you looked at me, I looked at you, and followed.

Mo Xicheng didn't go anywhere else. He went to the morgue.

Mo Hai's body is temporarily parked here, waiting for Li Shu to wake up and deal with it.

They walked all the way, but before they reached it, they saw a figure standing at the door of the morgue, secretly looking inside.

He stood on tiptoes, looking at the situation in the morgue, and his whole body was about to hit the door.

 His body and face were still stained with blood, and he looked very embarrassed and frightened.

There were medical staff walking around, and they couldn't help but glance at him several times, and they all hid away out of fear.

 The police saw this person and immediately compared the photos. It was indeed Mo Zhi!

The two of them glanced at each other, made preparations, and then slowly rushed towards Mo Zhi!

 “Don’t move, police!”

They rushed forward, quickly handcuffed Mo Zhi, and then pressed down on his shoulders.

Mo Zhiren had already started playing, "Let me see him, let me see him... Dad, Dad! I really didn't mean it. Dad, how could I kill you? Dad, let me look at you, Let me see you!"

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Dad, let me see you! It’s me, I’m Mo Zhi..."

 (End of this chapter)

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