Epilogue of Chapter 1644 (23)

As soon as this question came up, everyone immediately became confused:

“Yes, yes, how do you give it to your idol’s fiancée? We don’t have her WeChat account or her contact information…”

“Pu Yun, can you contact the agent of the male **** and find his fiancée?”

“But in this case, will the male **** feel that we are interfering in his private life?”

“Yes, what should I do if the male **** is unhappy?”

Looking at the hotly discussed topics in the group, Shi Nianyao couldn't help but say: "No."

So, everyone started asking:

 “Why not?”

 “How do you know not?”

Shi Nianyao thought for a while and then said: "Because I firmly believe that the male **** has never given up on us fans, just like the male **** will still choose to film even if he becomes the heir of the Mo family, so he My fiancée will definitely be closer to us."

As soon as these words fell, everyone in the group also agreed.

 Soon, everyone started busy preparations.

Shi Nianyao looked at the relaxed atmosphere and laughed.

Mo Xicheng is lucky to have such a group of lovely fans in this world.


  Time flies, and a few days pass quickly.

Seeing that the big day for two people to get married is coming soon, the WeChat group suddenly exploded!

Puyun sent a message: [Big news! The male idol's agent just contacted me and said that he plans to give us 10 places to attend the male idol's wedding! Everyone who has signed up, please sign up enthusiastically! 】

As soon as the news came out, everyone in the group became excited.

 The one who is in the BJ means he wants it, and the one who is not in the BJ means he wants it even if he flies over!

 Ten spots have become very urgent.

Pu Yun said: "These ten places will be awarded according to the contribution made in the group. Do you have any opinions?"

In Mo Xicheng’s WeChat fan group, everyone’s contribution is actually seen and understood.

 They have no objection to what they have given to their idols and now they can finally get something in return.

 So, Pu Yun directly started counting the places in the group.

Shi Nianyao sighed as he watched Pu Yun try his best to make everyone in the group not feel unfair.

While sighing, Pu Yun clicked her name: "Read Yao."

Shi Nianyao:…

 She doesn’t need an invitation!

 She can get in without an invitation!

Just when she thought of this, she saw someone privately messaged her on WeChat.

She is also a fan in the group. She has done a lot of things in the group, but she is not outstanding in the group. She even speaks very little. She directly said: "Nian Yao, can you give me your invitation?"

Shi Nianyao:…

 Sure enough, this kind of private transaction began.

She was silent for a moment and typed, "Sorry, no."

 She will give up her spot to people in the group, and it is not a private transaction.

 But I didn’t expect that after a while, the person sent another message: “Okay.”

How could he say hello so crisply?

While Shi Nianyao was marveling, this person had already blocked her WeChat account.

Shi Nianyao:…

Shi Nianyao shook her head and went to the group to express that she didn’t need it.

After Pu Yun expressed her regret, she extended Shi Nianyao's invitation to the next person.

Shi Nianyao originally thought that this matter would end here, but she never expected that a few hours later, Pu Yun suddenly came over and told her, "Someone sold the invitation to someone else."

 (End of this chapter)

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