Chapter 1646 Ending (25)

 The wedding day is coming soon!

At five o'clock in the morning, when Shi Nianyao was sleeping soundly, the quilt was lifted off.

She opened her eyes drowsily and heard Si Jingyu say: "Get up quickly! The makeup artist is already here, don't waste time."

Shi Nianyao: "...Mom, it's only five o'clock."

 “Don’t talk nonsense, it takes two hours to put on makeup.”

Shi Nianyao: “…Can’t you simply draw?”

 “No! Go take a shower!”

Si Jingyu patted her shoulder quickly and pushed her to the bathroom.

After a while, the sound of water in the bathroom came out.

She took a bath in a daze, walked out, sat on the sofa, closed her eyes, and continued to sleep.

Because I was nervous last night, I chatted with Mo Xicheng until one o'clock in the evening before going to bed. Today I am so sleepy that I can't even open my eyes.

The makeup artist didn't dare to neglect. He blew her hair gently while holding a hot towel and applied it to her face. After her hair was dry, she started to put makeup on her.

Before putting on makeup, Tian Tian brought breakfast over, and Si Jingyu took a spoon and fed Shi Nianyao a few mouthfuls.

 Then I started not being able to eat.

Two hours later, Shi Nianyao finally woke up. When he raised his head and looked in the mirror, he was stunned.

That person, with his exquisite makeup and perfect facial features, was beyond beautiful, except for his untied hair.

Si Jingyu took out the wedding dress for her and asked her to put it on, while the makeup artist fixed her hair.

 When everything was sorted out, it was already nine o'clock.

Shi Nianyao became a little nervous, raised his head and looked outside.

Mo Xicheng's wedding convoy has not yet arrived, so she picked up her mobile phone out of boredom, intending to take a look at it to relieve her tension. Unexpectedly, when she opened her mobile phone, the hot headlines on various platforms were #MoXichengMarriage#!

Shi Nianyao coughed and switched to WeChat.

 In the WeChat group, everyone is already chatting lively.

Ten people have gathered and are sending messages: "We have arrived at the wedding venue, the decoration is so beautiful!"

Also posted pictures and videos.

Looking at the decoration in the hotel, Shi Nianyao laughed.

 I am always full of fear of unknown things, but when I see them, I actually feel that it is just like this.

Shi Nianyao gradually eased his tension.

 At this moment, Mo Xicheng’s motorcade arrived!

Shi Nianyao stood up immediately and looked outside happily.

 A group of people came to the window and looked down.

Mo Xicheng's motorcade had a large number of people, and Shen Liangchuan came in person to welcome the bride with him, making a great noise.

Seeing Shen Liangchuan, Shi Nianyao couldn't help but wonder, where is Qiao Lian?

While thinking about it, he looked at Mo Xicheng's group and followed them upstairs.

Shi Nianyao bit his lip immediately. At this moment, the bedroom door was suddenly closed, and Su Penghao's voice was heard immediately, "If you can't pass my test, you can't accept the bride today." !”

Shi Nianyao:…

Su Penghao, what the **** are you doing here?

 With Su Penghao being so noisy, the people around him suddenly became lively.

Mo Xicheng stared at Su Penghao and saw him signing out ten red threads from the door of the room. Then he looked at Mo Xicheng and said, "Of these ten red threads, only one is holding Shi Nianyao. If I find it, I will Open the door for you!"

 (End of this chapter)

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