Epilogue of Chapter 1650 (29)

Shi Nianyao just felt that the lounge room was not too big and it would be a bit inconvenient for ten people to come in together. He didn't really ask a few more people.

 But I didn’t expect Pu Yun to answer so seriously.

Seeing that Yiyi was not with them, Shi Nianyao suddenly remembered that there was such a person among the guests who came today.

 She was stunned immediately.

He looked at the phone and hesitated for a moment, then saw the message from Pu Yun: "Tell me, if we just rushed into Mrs. Mo's lounge like this, wouldn't it be... not good?"

Shi Nianyao replied hurriedly: "No, you can come in."

 Common rhyme:…

Pu Yun was stunned and made a "??" expression, indicating that she didn't understand.

Shi Nianyao thought for a while and then said: "The door is not closed, come in."

Pu Yun hesitated for a moment, and suddenly a scream came from outside the door. Immediately Pu Yun knocked on the door: "Nian Yao, are you in there? I said why didn't you ask for an invitation? It turns out you have your own Invitation!…”

Before she finished speaking, Shi Nianyao couldn't help laughing. Holding her skirt with both hands, she walked to the door, then took a deep breath and opened the door.

 She no longer wants to hide the fact that she is Mrs. Mo from Mo Xicheng’s fans.

 Because she wants to get involved with them.

I want them to know that because Mo Xicheng is married, he doesn’t value their fans anymore.

 The door opens.

 There were several girls standing outside the door who looked a little strange.

Pu Yun stood at the front and extended her hand. After seeing her, she was shocked.

She looked at Shi Nianyao blankly, and then hesitantly asked: "Nianyao??"

Shi Nianyao nodded.

Pu Yun’s first reaction was: “You also got married in this hotel?!”

Shi Nianyao:…! !

She couldn't help but laugh, and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "Yes, I also got married in this hotel."

 Common rhyme:…

Pu Yun looked at her blankly.

 The people behind him were also stunned.

Finally, someone couldn't help but stepped forward, looked at Shi Nianyao and asked: "Mo, Mrs. Mo... I, we are, we are fans of Mr. Mo, we are all loyal fans... Don't get me wrong, we are not here I’m warning you or something, I just want to tell you that God Mo is...very, very good..."

As soon as these words came out, Pu Yun reacted suddenly, "You, you are Mrs. Mo!"

Shi Nianyao:…

Pu Yun’s reaction at this moment was simply too funny, making her dumbfounded.

 She looked at Pu Yun and gave her a wink. Immediately, Pu Yun closed her mouth.

She knew that Nian Yao didn't want everyone to know that she was Nian Yao in the group, because this would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

 But she was really excited and speechless!

At this moment, someone handed the video they had burned to a CD to Shi Nianyao: "Mrs. Mo, this is a collective wedding gift from our fans to you and your male idol. I hope you can take a look at it more when you are free. , many of the movies the male **** has shot in the past are great. If you want to watch them, we can recommend them to you..."

  Pu Yun: ...In the group, Nian Yao is the one who knows the male **** best, okay? !

She stood there, watching Shi Nianyao chatting with fans, and suddenly felt that deep down in her heart, the last bit of unhappiness disappeared with the discovery that Mrs. Mo was Nianyao.

 (End of this chapter)

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