Chapter 1659 A new beginning (5)

These years flashed through Lu Nanze's mind, causing him to narrow his eyes and lower his head.

 He smiled bitterly, then looked at the doctor and asked: "How is her health now?"

"My life is out of danger. I'm fine. After the blood transfusion, I'm just a little weak. I'll just take care of myself during the confinement period."

Lu Nanze nodded.

He was silent for a while, and then he said, "Please, don't tell her about the blood transfusion."

 Everyone was stunned.

Lu Nanze did not speak, turned and left the hospital.

 Here, he is really redundant.

He now doesn’t even have the courage to visit his child.

 He just hoped that he could leave here as soon as possible and not let the happiness and warmth of their family of three seriously hurt him again.

Lu Nanze left the hospital, his face a little pale because of the blood draw.

 When his driver found him, he was already a little groggy.

 When he got into the car, the driver asked: "Mr. Lu, do you want to go to the hotel?"

"not going home."

Lu Nanze spoke slowly.

The driver was stunned, as if he didn't understand, "Mr. Lu?"

 “I said go home! Didn’t you hear?”

The driver was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak or breathe. He started the car and got on the highway directly to Suzhou.

Lu Nanze leaned on the back seat, supported his head with his hands, and stared out the window.

This is BJ, where she has lived secretly for several years.

This place does not belong to him.

Lu Nanze has been silent, enduring, waiting for the psychological discomfort to slowly ease.

After walking for two hours, he looked up and saw the driver looking at him from time to time through the rearview mirror. It was obvious that he had something to say, but because of his majesty at the moment, he did not dare to say it.

Lu Nanze frowned, "If you have something to say, just say it, and if you have anything to say, let it go!"

The driver then spoke tremblingly: "Mr. Lu, you forgot Mrs. Lu in the restaurant."

Lu Nanze:…

Lu Nanze suddenly remembered that because he was anxious, he followed the ambulance to the hospital, and then called his driver to pick him up, but he left Qiu Yiyi at the wedding venue and left directly.

He rubbed his forehead irritably. For some reason, when he thought of Qiao Yiyi, he couldn't even remember her appearance.

 I only remember that I seemed to have pushed Qiu Yiyi because she was afraid that she would hurt Qiao Lian?

According to her soft character, is it possible that she is still crying at the wedding at this moment, waiting for him to go back?

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze couldn't help but pick up his phone and opened his address book depressedly.

  Flipping through from beginning to end, I couldn’t find Qiao Yiyi’s mobile phone number.

He then thought that since they got married, he and Qiu Yiyi had only spoken a few words together, not to mention a phone number, not even a single contact information!

Lu Nanze took another deep breath, and then called his assistant, "Call Qiao Yiyi and ask her to make arrangements to go home on her own."

 Assistant: “…Yes.”


Qiao Yiyi was whistling and driving a sports car when she received the call.

That high-spirited look was completely different from the timid and timid appearance in front of Lu Nanze.

The phone rang for a long time before she heard it. She turned to answer it and heard the assistant's voice, "Mrs. Lu, where are you?"

 (End of this chapter)

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