Chapter 1669 Qiao Yiyi (5)

 tens of millions?

Dad Qiao’s eyes widened in astonishment, and he swallowed.

Lu Nanze asked: "What? Feeling distressed?"

"No heartache, no heartache! Absolutely no heartache! Marrying a girl from the Li family is worth the money!" Dad Qiao said immediately.

Lu Nanze nodded, "Then prepare the money and tell me. If nothing happens today, you can leave first."

Dad Qiao suddenly stopped talking, looked at Qiao Yiyi, and signaled Qiao Yiyi with his eyes to send him out.

Qiao glanced at Qiao's father one by one, but still said nothing.

Dad Qiao suddenly felt that this daughter was simply a pimple, and she couldn't even see such obvious hints!

 Why did you suddenly marry this daughter to Lu Nanze in the first place?

 I’m so angry now!

Holding his breath, he glanced at Qiao Gang, and then the two of them walked towards the door in unison.

 Walked halfway, then turned back and looked into the room.

 Qiao Yiyi still didn't speak, and the two of them left.

After they left, Qiao Yi stood there one by one, thinking about what to say to Lu Nanze, when he saw Lu Nanze suddenly turned around and went directly upstairs, with no intention of talking to her at all.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 It seems that she is really being sentimental.

She simply went upstairs. After arriving in her bedroom, she picked up her mobile phone and computer. After tapping quickly with her fingers on the computer a few times, a chat window appeared.

 She typed on it:

    一一:在? 】

The other party responded quickly and immediately replied:

                                                                                                             How have you been doing during this time? Didn't you say that once you settle down, you'll contact me? 】

    一一: It’s not safe recently, please do something for me. 】

                                                   : You said. 】

    一一: Go and check for me, how much money does the Qiao family have now? 】

[Second Brother: I've checked this for you a long time ago. The Qiao family doesn't have much money at all now. The only villa they live in is the one they live in now. By the way, your brother is really a master of spending money. Now The Qiao family is an empty shell, but actually there is nothing left. 】

nothing left?

Qiao Yi only found it ridiculous.

Back then, after Qiao's father married his mother, his business failed and he wanted to ask his mother for some money to tide over the crisis in the company. However, his mother was on the cusp of the crisis at that time, and taking out the funds would attract the attention of the outside world, so he said No money.

At that time, Qiao's father actually believed it and turned around to find Qiao Gang's mother. The two hit it off immediately.

It can be said that Qiao’s father gave up his mother because of money.

When her mother later mentioned what happened at that time, she couldn't help but sneer, "He is just a blind wolf. My money is enough for ten companies, but he gave up for such a small amount of money." I, but thanks to this incident, I saw his true face clearly, otherwise, if I tell him my secret in the future, I am afraid he will not be able to keep it secret from me! "

She learned her skill as a thief from her mother, who has a rich family fortune, and now, all the money belongs to her.

 So, Dad Qiao will never know what he lost when he gave up on his mother.

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi smiled sarcastically, so why is Dad Qiao so embarrassed today?

 (End of this chapter)

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