Chapter 1676 Where is Wuhen? (2)

Liang Liang drove directly to BJ.

 When I arrived at BJ, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

 He went straight to Shen Liangchuan's apartment, and was told by the housekeeper that because Qiao Lian had given birth to a child, their whole family was now in the hospital.

Liang Liang walked directly to the maternity hospital without stopping. After being stopped by the security guard at the entrance, Liang Liang showed his police certificate and then walked in.

 When he arrived at the VIP ward, he saw Shen Liangchuan in the room, playing with the child.

 As for the woman lying on the hospital bed, her face was a little pale, but she looked calm and peaceful.

Liang Liang waited outside for a while and then knocked on the door of the ward.

 Shen Liangchuan in the ward took care of the young ones and the older ones.

 When the door was knocked, Qiao Lian opened her eyes.

Shen Liangchuan immediately became angry and turned to look at the door. He immediately saw Liang Liang pushing the door open and walking in. "Hello, Mr. Shen, I am a police officer. This is my police officer ID. I have some questions and I want to talk to you." Just to confirm, could you please come out?"

Shen Liangchuan frowned and was about to get angry when Qiao Lian shook her head and said, "I've slept until now. I've slept enough. You can just chat here."

Shen Liangchuan knew that Qiao Lian was worried about him, fearing that he would get into some trouble.

So he looked at Liang Liang sharply and said, "Officer Liang, if you have any questions, just ask him directly!"

Liang Liang asked: "I wonder if Mr. Shen has ever heard of Wuhen?"

"heard about it."

“So Mr. Shen, have you ever hired Wuhen? Just yesterday, a bracelet belonging to your wife from Mr. Lu’s house was stolen by Wuhen.”

Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

 Soon he sneered, "So, Officer Liang, do you have any evidence?"

Liang Liang shook his head.

“Then why are you asking me? Just because that bracelet once belonged to my wife?”

Liang Liang choked.

Shen Liangchuan lowered his eyes, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I still ask you to get out! Come back to me when you get the evidence!"

 After saying this, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Liang Liang was choked to death, "Mr. Shen, please cooperate with our investigation. I am not targeting you, I just want to catch the thief Wuhen!"

“Catching the thief is your police’s business, what does it have to do with me?”

Shen Liangchuan pointed to the door, "Please go out immediately. If you want to ask me anything in the future, please contact my lawyer or my secretary. Wait until I agree before you come back."

The tone is not polite!

Liang Liang's eyes immediately darkened when he was told, "Mr. Shen, if you offend me so much, aren't you afraid that something will fall into my hands?"

Shen Liangchuan sneered, "Why don't you go out?"

Liang Liang had no choice but to say nothing, turned around and walked out.

 When the door was closed, Shen Liangchuan snorted coldly.

Qiao Lian asked: "So grand? Didn't you just wake me up?"

Shen Liangchuan: "There are others."

  Qiao Lian looked at him from now on.

Shen Liangchuan walked up to Qiao Lian, stretched out his hand and touched her head, "Wuhen is actually a thief."

“Even if you are a grand thief, you can’t break the law!” Qiao Lian has a very upright view.

Shen Liangchuan nodded, "Yes, if it were someone else, I would definitely tell the truth and not delay the progress of their investigation, but if it were Liang Liang... hum."

 The words were full of contempt for him.

 Qiao Lian became even more curious: "What's wrong?"

 (End of this chapter)

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