After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1689: Where did you touch me? ! (5)

Chapter 1689: Where did you touch me? ! (5)

Bai Anan felt extremely embarrassed and angry. She almost gritted her teeth and said, "Of course there is no need to search Mr. Lu's car. I guess Wuhen wouldn't dare to get into your car so blindly. You can leave first." ”

Lu Nanze then nodded, "So Officer Bai stopped searching. That's not because I didn't cooperate."

These words made Bai Anan really vomit blood.

She suppressed her anger, and then saw Lu Nanze's car slowly leaving the Li family villa.

Bai Anan was so angry that he couldn't speak. After staring at the car for a long time, he turned around and looked at the rest of the people, "What are you doing here? Keep searching! Don't let the Li family go." I must find Wuhen in every corner!"


 Qiao Yiyi no longer knows how chaotic the Li family is tonight.

 At this moment, she was lying quietly in the trunk.

 The darkness in front of her finally made her feel a little more relaxed than before.

I used to think that Lu Nanze was too overbearing and very annoying to look at, but I didn’t expect that tonight... especially Lu Nanze just now, he was actually... a bit handsome with his arrogant mouth.

She raised her lips, revealing a silent sarcastic smile.

Have you really lost too much blood?

   You actually have such an idea.

Lu Nanze did this all for his own sake, so he would not let Bai Anan search the car.

Some privileges are standard for people like them.

 Qiao Yiyi thought this way, and suddenly smelled a faint fragrance wafting from the car.

She was stunned for a moment, and after sniffing it carefully, she suddenly realized what it was.

She hurriedly held her breath, but it was still too late!

She felt a little dizzy, and her eyelids felt extremely heavy. In the end, she couldn't stand it anymore, so she closed her eyes and fainted!

Before she fainted, she cursed in her heart: Lu Nanze, you insidious guy!

Lu Nanze was sitting in the back seat. Although he was looking ahead quietly, his ears were always paying attention to what was going on in the trunk.

He lowered his eyes until he heard a very weak breathing sound from there, and then he concluded that his drug had taken effect.

This kind of ecstasy is only for injured people. When the fragrance of the medicine comes into contact with blood, it will enter the body along the wound, and they will fall into coma immediately.

 It seems that Wuhen was really injured.

 This is interesting.

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes and suddenly said: "If you don't go home, go to that villa in the suburbs."

 The driver was stunned for a moment, not understanding what happened, and nodded.

The car drove to the suburban villa. Lu Nanze got out of the car and asked the driver to drive back in another car.

After the driver left, Lu Nanze looked around and found that no one was there, so he opened the trunk!

 In the trunk, a petite woman was lying there.

 She is really thin and small, like a high school student, huddled in a small ball.

Lu Nanze stretched out his hand and picked her up.

Originally he planned to drag it out like this, but when he took hold of it, the slight weight made him feel shocked.

 How thin must a person be to be so light?

 Does she weigh eighty pounds?

As soon as he thought of this, Lu Nanze lowered his head and looked at Wuhen, his eyes fixed on the mask.

At this moment, as long as he reaches out his hand, he can take off the mask and see Wuhen's true face!

 (End of this chapter)

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