After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1693: Where did you touch me? ! (10)

Chapter 1693 Where did you touch me? ! (10)

Moreover, you still have to penetrate all the opponent's defenses and block every layer of obstacles, just to steal a thousand-year-old ginseng?

 Who in their family is sick, or what?

 Is it necessary to use this thousand-year-old ginseng? What happened to the century-old!

 Qiao rolled his eyes one by one, but still nodded, "Okay."

As a qualified thief, she should accept all unreasonable requests from customers, so she tolerated them!

Anyway, the person who spent so much money for her to steal was not herself, but him!

As soon as Wuhen thought of this, he saw Lu Nanze stand up, "You decide the time. It's best to finish this matter within ten days."

Qiao continued to nod one by one, "Okay."

Lu Nanze asked: "You can go."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 Qiao Yiyi looked down at the nightgown he was wearing, raised his head, and looked at Lu Nanze in disbelief. What's going on with this man?

 Just let her go in her bathrobe?

 She was simply speechless!

Qiao Yiyi twitched the corner of his mouth, and then raised his head, "Well, Mr. Lu, you have settled the accounts with me clearly, shouldn't I also settle the accounts with you clearly?"

Lu Nanze raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Qiao Yiyi said: "You tore my clothes to pieces, should you pay me one piece of clothing?"

Lu Nanze was immediately stunned and looked at her, then realized what was going on.

 He was a little confused, "But I don't have women's clothes at home."

Qiao Yiyi was also confused, "What should we do now?"

This place is far away from the city. If you go to the city to buy clothes and then come back, at least three hours will have passed!

As for the affairs of Lu Nanze's family, the assistants cannot know about them. Otherwise, the more people know about Wuhen's affairs, the more dangerous it will be.

 So…what now?

 Qiao looked around one by one and realized that not to mention women's clothes, there were not even a few decent furnishings here, only simple furniture.

 I'm afraid, there's no food in the refrigerator yet...

 Qiao Yi curled his lips, and then saw Lu Nanze go upstairs. After a while, he came down carrying two pieces of clothes.

Qiao Yiyi looked over and found that it was Lu Nanze's shirt.

Qiao's eyes widened one by one, and Lu Nanze handed her the clothes.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Qiao Yiyi wanted to say something, but looking at the man in front of her, he didn't seem considerate enough to drive for more than an hour to buy her some clothes.

She had no choice but to take over the shirt, put it on, and then picked up the black tights that Lu Nanze took off for her.

Lu Nanze: "The clothes are in such tatters, do you still want them?"

 Qiao Yiyi rolled her eyes at him, "Stay here to give you evidence?"

Lu Nanze was stunned when he saw Qiao Yiyi thinking of something. He took out a white towel and quickly tidied up all the rooms she had been to.

 The whole room was restored to its original state.

Lu Nanze was dumbfounded. Not everyone has this ability.

And no wonder no one could find any clues about Wuhen. Looking at it like this, it would be difficult to find any trace of Wuhen's visit in this villa.

Probably all the fingerprints have been erased.

This cautious and quick look made Lu Nanze squint his eyes again.

Moreover... Wuhen is so small, but her skin is frighteningly white. She is wearing his white shirt, and a pair of slender straight legs are exposed, giving people a sense of fantasy.

 (End of this chapter)

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