After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1704: She is actually quite cute (1)

 Chapter 1704 She is actually quite cute (1)

While Lu Nanze was thinking wildly, the woman on the bed seemed to make some movement.

 I don’t know if she was dreaming about something, but she became a little anxious and scared.

 “Liang Liang! I hate you!”

 Suddenly, she choked up.

When Lu Nanze heard this, he felt a pain in his heart for some reason.

 He stared at the woman on the bed.

Wuhen, who is awake, is always aloof and aggressive.

But at this moment, Wuhen was like any lovelorn girl, desperate for life.

Lu Nanze thought of this and stood up. He saw Wuhen suddenly stretched out his hand and waved it in the air, "No...Mom! No!"

She seemed to be trying to grab something, but she couldn't grab anything. She suddenly became sad, choking and sobbing like a child.

When Lu Nanze saw this situation, he subconsciously took a step forward and grabbed her hand.

Unexpectedly, Wuhen grabbed his hand in the next moment and said, "Mom, mom, don't leave me..."

Lu Nanze:…

 Her whisper softened Lu Nanze's heart easily.

 The man who had always been so hard-hearted was actually letting her hold his hand without any resistance at this moment.

 Wuhen finally caught something and calmed down.

The two people were holding hands, and Lu Nanze felt that the small hand holding his tightly was as soft as a bone, but the strength holding his hand was very strong.

That’s right. Thieves rely on these good hands, so traceless hands should be even more precious.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze couldn't help but lower his head and study the hands carefully.

Wuhen may be due to some training. Although her fingers are slender, it is obvious that her little finger is different from others and looks a bit extra long.

 The five fingers are all slender and beautiful.

 But there are some thin calluses on the inside of her fingers, which is really different from ordinary girls who are spoiled and do not touch their fingers.

Lu Nanze continued to study her.

 Wuhen’s body, although thin, looks very well-proportioned.

 It's probably not genetic, it's a result of cultivating one's flexibility in the later stages, so the body naturally grows. When it grows to a certain point, it won't increase in size, right?

 So, Wuhen is not considered tall among girls, but is very petite and delicate.

Lu Nanze was thinking when he saw Wuhen grab his hand, put it on his face, and then rubbed his hand with his masked face, "Mom, your hand, okay It’s cold…”

Lu Nanze:…

The mask on her face fits the skin very well and cannot be taken off easily.

Lu Nanze wanted to take it off for her and let her sleep well, but when he stretched out his hand, he thought of Wuhen's character.

 If she were Wuhen, she would hate others seeing her true face the most.

As soon as this thought came out, the man who had never been considerate of others suddenly stopped.

 Then, Wuhen said, "Mom, I want to listen to a lullaby."

Lu Nanze:…

As a grown man, how could Lu Nanze know the lullaby that Wuhen’s mother knows?

However, after Wuhen said this, he grabbed her hand a little uneasily. In her sleep, she was so well-behaved and innocent that people couldn't bear to refuse.

PS: I got up early in the morning and went out. I wrote the two updated chapters in the car. In my hurry, I posted the wrong text. Chapter 1709 is a duplicate. Please go and read it in the comment area. I have posted it in the comment area for free.

  Then, I went home at nine o'clock in the evening. I was too sleepy... I just hugged the computer and accidentally fell asleep... I'll go to sleep first, and I will wake up tomorrow morning to fill in the remaining two chapters for everyone... I'm sorry.

 (End of this chapter)

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