After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1709: She is actually quite cute (6)

 Chapter 1709 She is actually quite cute (6)

When Qiao Yiyi heard this, he immediately became nervous, "What did I say?"

Lu Nanze sneered, "Why should I tell you?"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Lu Nanze continued: "However, it really refreshed my outlook on life."

As soon as Qiao Yi heard this, he became even more confused, "What exactly did you say?"

 “Want to know?”


 “Help me steal another thing.”

 Qiao Yiyi immediately lowered his head, "Then you'd better stop talking."

Lu Nanze:…

Lu Nanze smiled and felt funny in his heart when he saw Qiao Yiyi pretending to be calm.

 He nodded, "That's okay, I won't say anything."

Qiao Yiyi took a deep breath and stood up, planning to go outside and leave. After all, if she didn't go home tonight, maybe Lu Nanze would find out tomorrow.

But as soon as she stood up, her vision went dark, making her a little unsteady. She hurriedly reached out her hand and held the chair next to her.

Lu Nanze said slowly: "You have lost too much blood now. I advise you not to go out in the past few days and have a good rest here."

Hearing this, Qiao Yiyi raised his head and looked at Lu Nanze stubbornly: "Thank you very much, Mr. Lu, for your kindness, but I still have to leave, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to you."

When Lu Nanze heard this, he couldn't help but said, "What kind of trouble do you think I'm afraid of?"

 The domineering words made Qiao Yi stunned.

 He raised his head and looked at Lu Nanze.

Based on her understanding of Lu Nanze, this man is actually a cold-blooded and ruthless person, but why does he care about her so much?

As soon as this thought came out, she also asked, "Why are you so kind?"

Lu Nanze was a little embarrassed by the question. He coughed and said, "I'm just afraid that in a few days, you might make a mistake in stealing ginseng."

Qiao Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief, and that's right. Apart from this reason, she really couldn't think of any other reason.

 What was I thinking just now? I actually thought that Lu Nanze would care about her. It was like the sun was rising in the west!

Qiao raised his lips one by one, smiled sarcastically, and then shook his head resolutely, "No need really, I have somewhere to go."

 Having a place to go... does not mean having a home to go to.

 This shows that she probably has no home in Suzhou.

Lu Nanze wanted to say something more, but thinking about Wuhen's self-esteem and pride, she definitely didn't want to be looked down upon by him, that's why she was so stubborn. In that case, it's better to give her a step down.

 So, Lu Nanze nodded, then took out a key and put it on the table, "This is the key to this villa. If you want to change the dressing, you are welcome to come over at any time. I am usually not here."

After saying this, I thought of the scene where she had just changed her dressing and fainted from the pain. She pointed to the landline phone next to her uneasily, "The phone number of my current residence is over there. If you want to change the dressing, just call me directly." ”

 After saying this, he found that Wuhen had not picked up the key, so he raised his eyebrows and said, "Huh?"

Qiao Yiyi couldn't help but laugh.

When she smiled like this, Lu Nanze suddenly discovered that there were two small pear holes at the corners of her mouth, which were very sweet and made people feel relaxed just looking at them.

 Then, he heard Qiao Yiyi's words, "Mr. Lu, I'm afraid there is no door in this world that I can't enter, so I really don't need this room card."

 (End of this chapter)

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