After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1716: She is actually quite cute (13)

 Chapter 1716 She is actually quite cute (13)

Liang Liang stood up in a daze, followed Lu Nanze's direction, and walked towards the door. Halfway there, he suddenly turned back and looked at Lu Nanze, "By the way, there is something I want to say to you."

Lu Nanze raised his eyebrows.

Liang Liang said: "Your wife is actually quite pitiful. Since you are married to someone else, you have to be responsible for her. Isn't it not good for you to ignore her like this? I advise you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Nanze couldn't help but interrupt him with a sneer, "Are you done? Get out of here!"

 Liang Liang:…

Liang Liang had no choice but to walk out.

 When Liang Liang went out, Lu Nanze walked to the front desk and said, "When will you be able to enter my office without making an appointment?"

front desk:…? ?

 The front desk was confused.

He then heard Lu Nanze say: "Officer, make an appointment for me next time!"

front desk:…!

Didn’t you feel free to come in before?

 Why do I need to make an appointment now?

  Could it be that something unpleasant happened between the two of them? !

 The receptionist coughed and nodded.

Lu Nanze finally felt relieved and turned back to the room.

After the office calmed down, he suddenly woke up.

 What happened to me?

 As long as Wuhen is involved, you will not be able to control your emotions.

 He couldn't help but rub his forehead, and then sighed, suddenly realizing that deep down in his heart, he was actually a little sour.


Jealous? !

This idea made him feel really funny.

 Why is he jealous? Who is jealous?

Lu Nanze shook his head and lowered his head, but as soon as he lowered his head, a face suddenly appeared on the document.

That face is a face with a silver mask!

 But the red lips on that face carried a fatal temptation, causing his eyes to narrow immediately.

 He raised his head suddenly and shook his head.

I actually feel like I’ve seen Wuhen.

But what is Wuhen doing at the moment?

Where is she? !

The way she looked yesterday, it was obvious that the wound was torn, so did something happen to her during the day?

  She didn't spend the night in her apartment last night. It's daytime now. Where is she?

  Could it be that you are back in the villa over there?

These thoughts made Lu Nanze a little unable to concentrate.

He frowned, and after a while he took a deep breath to get rid of the impatience in his mind, and then started to process the documents.

 But today, Lu Nanze was obviously dealing with documents with a sense of urgency, as if he was rushing to go somewhere after get off work.

Five p.m.

Lu Nanze actually took care of everything in advance and can go home!

Lu Nanze stood up and walked out.

 The secretary asked: "Mr. Lu, won't you work overtime tonight?"

Lu Nanze nodded, "Well, let's go home."


 Mr. Lu, a workaholic, rarely works overtime. It’s a miracle! -

Lu Nanze drove his car on the road.

There was not much traffic jam on the street, and his car was driving slowly.

He frowned. He didn't know why, but he always felt a little empty in his heart, as if something was missing.

So he picked up the phone and took a look, but there was no missed call or text message.

 He gave Wuhen his mobile phone number that day, but Wuhen never contacted him even once.

 (End of this chapter)

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