After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1729: He is actually quite handsome (6)

 Chapter 1729 He is actually quite handsome (6)

Just when Qiao Yiyi was angry, he saw Lu Nanze walking downstairs after seemingly sleeping for two hours.

He must have drank a lot last night, and he had a strong smell of alcohol. When he passed by her, Lu Nanze glanced at them.

Liang Liang closed his eyes and fell asleep on the sofa.

Lu Nanze told Qiao one by one: "Be with him."

 Then he strode out.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…!

At this moment, Qiao Yiyi looked at Lu Nanze with a look that was really killing him.

She felt like there was a wild cat in her heart, stretching out its claws to scratch him, making her restless.

 Accompany Liang Liang?

How are you going to deliver the goods that night? Damn it!

Qiao Yiyi cursed deep in his heart.

 She turned around and looked at Liang Liang again, suddenly wanting to throw this man out!

What should we do now?

 If she can’t get out, no plan will work!

Moreover, she was still in the living room, and the nannies around her were all staring at her. She couldn't take too long to go to the bathroom.

 But unfortunately, she didn’t have anyone to help her in Suzhou!

 Qiao Yiyi really had a headache and continued to stare at Liang Liang on the sofa. Just when she had a headache, Liang Liang's cell phone suddenly rang.

Qiao was stunned one by one.

Liang Liang seemed to hear the movement, stretched out his hand and picked up the phone.

He answered the question and put it to his ear. He didn’t know what the other person said. He had his eyes closed and was sleeping. He suddenly opened his eyes and said in shock: "What did you say?"

The other party seemed to have said something again.

Liang Liang immediately lowered his voice, "Everyone in her is dead...Why did she mobilize so many people?!"

The voice was so low that Qiao Yiyi didn't hear what he was saying at all.

The person on the other side of the phone from Liang Liang was surprised, "Wuhen is dead? Well, I didn't get the news! Bai An'an must have confirmed that Wuhen was not dead, that's why this happened, and Wuhen was still replying to his employer yesterday, saying It’s delivery today!”

 Liang Liang:…

Liang Liang felt as if he had entered a trap. All his confusion disappeared and he immediately woke up from the wine he drank.

His eyes widened and he stared at the phone in disbelief.

After a while, he started to curse: "Oh my God! This **** Lu Nanze! I'm coming over right now!"

After hanging up the phone, he stood up from the sofa and started to walk out.

However, the housekeeper took a step forward and stopped him, "Mr. Liang, you can't leave, you have drunk so much wine!"

 “Let go!”

Liang Liang yelled and walked out directly.

As a special police officer, there is no doubt about Liang Liang's skill, otherwise he would not have been able to catch up with Wuhen back then.

So how can people from the Lu family dare to stop them?

Besides, when Lu Nanze went out, he didn't tell him that Liang Liang must be left at the Lu family!

 So, Liang Liang rushed straight through the door of the living room, then drove and left directly!

 The housekeeper was a little worried, "I've drank so much wine, is it okay?"

Qiao Yi was worried on the face, but he was already happy in his heart!

  Wow! Liang Liang is gone. Does this mean that he can go out? !

Thinking of this, Qiao Yiyi immediately looked at the butler, "Butler, I, I, Mr. Lu asked me to accompany him, I, I, let me go out and take a look!"

 After saying this, he lowered his head and ran out as if chasing Liang Liang.

 (End of this chapter)

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