After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1733: He is actually quite handsome (10)

 Chapter 1733 He is actually quite handsome (10)

Qiao dodged the hail of sniper bullets one by one, watching the bullets fall around him one by one and roll into the crowd.

As a police officer, it is certainly impossible to shoot in a crowd, so Qiao Yiyi is safe for now.

 She lowered her head and continued walking forward.

 Her sports car was parked not far outside the community gate, and it wouldn't take long to run there, so it was trivial to escape steadily like this!

 But at this moment…


 A car suddenly stopped in front of her, almost causing her to hit it!

Qiao Yiyi was stunned, thinking, could it be that this time, the police came so quickly? !

Just when she thought of this, she saw the car door open. When she turned to run, her arm was suddenly grabbed by someone, and then a familiar voice sounded: "Get in the car!"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Qiao turned around in surprise and saw Lu Nanze sitting in the driver's seat.

She narrowed her eyes and sat directly in the passenger seat without hesitation.

As soon as she sat firmly, the car started quickly and left here.

 Leave only the policemen behind and chase them out! But helplessly watched them leave.


 Qiao stared at the cars one by one, "An ordinary Volkswagen car...Lu Nanze, when did you get such a car?"

Hearing this, Lu Nanze coughed and said, "It's not mine."

He drove his own car here, but if he used his own car to take Joe away one by one, the fire would burn on his own head, so now, he uses someone else's car.

Qiao Yiyi was stunned, "Whose? Do you have any friends who own this car?"

 Lu Nanze was speechless.

Qiao thought about it one by one and suddenly realized: "I'll go~ You can't say that you just stole one on the roadside!"

Lu Nanze: "What does stealing mean? I just borrowed it and will return it to him when it's no longer useful."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 Qiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help teasing him, "Lu Nanze, I didn't expect that you and I are still the same family? We have already learned how to steal! And my stealing skills are pretty good!"

Qiao Yi said this proudly, then raised his head, and was about to look at the car.

As soon as these words were said, there was a sharp turn ahead. Lu Nanze accelerated deliberately, causing Qiao Yiyi's head to hit the car.

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Lu Nanze: “Sorry, my foot slipped.”

Qiao stared at Lu Nanze one by one: "Childish!"

Lu Nanze didn’t speak, and just continued to stare ahead.

Qiao curled his lips one by one, and immediately looked back.

Because the car started too fast and left too fast. Even though there were police cars waiting to catch them, they still couldn't catch up.

Qiao sighed one by one, "Your driving skills are pretty good!"

Lu Nanze stared straight ahead, "Well, so, I saved you."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…!

 Qiao Yi twitched the corners of his mouth, glanced at Lu Nanze, and opened his mouth.

She wanted to say, actually, if you don’t save me, I can escape by myself...

 But when the words reached his mouth, he swallowed them anyway.

  If you still say something like this even though someone is trying their best to save you, you would be very heartless.

As soon as Qiao Yiyi had some conscience, he heard Lu Nanze continue to say: "You already owe me two people, how can you thank me?"

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…! What should she do if she really wants to throw away the little bit of conscience she has just existed? !

 (End of this chapter)

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