After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1743: He is actually quite handsome (20)

 Chapter 1743 He is actually quite handsome (20)

After hanging up the phone, Lu Nanze turned around and left.

 The housekeeper stopped him, "Sir, you can't walk like this! It's too dangerous! You must call the police!"

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes and looked at the housekeeper sharply.

The housekeeper persuaded her hard, "You don't like your wife anyway. If your wife dies in an accident, you won't have to divorce her in the future, right? Sir, as long as this matter is handled well, everything can be solved smoothly!" So, you must think carefully!”

As soon as these words came out, Lu Nanze snorted coldly.

 He looked at the housekeeper and said slowly: "I know that I have never been a good person."

As soon as these words came out, the housekeeper was stunned and sighed inwardly.

Sure enough, the next moment, Lu Nanze said: "But I will not let my affairs affect a woman. Don't say whether she is my wife or not, even if she is a passerby, I will not let her go."

 The housekeeper immediately shut his mouth.

He no longer knew what to say. He just stared at Lu Nanze and sighed deeply after a while, "Sir, pretend that I didn't say what I just said."

Then he turned around and began to mobilize people to help Lu Nanze.

“Sir, time is limited, and we can only find these few people to follow you. Take a look, is there anything else that needs to be prepared?”

Lu Nanze glanced at the dozen or so people, and finally frowned. After a while, he said: "There is no need for so many people. With more people, the target is bigger. It would be bad if they found out and wanted to vote. Now, what we need to ensure is Her safety."

 The butler nodded immediately.

 After Lu Nanze prepared everything, he began to prepare to set off.

The vehicle slowly drove out of the door of Lu's house. Seeing Lu Nanze leave, the housekeeper finally called Liang Liang worriedly, "Mr. Liang, someone has kidnapped our wife. Mr. Li has rushed over to rescue her, but I Worry…"

Before he finished speaking, Liang Liang became angry, "Your husband's character and temper will cause trouble sooner or later! He deserves it!"

After these words fell, the next sentence became, "Where is the place?"


  I knew that even if Liang Liang had had trouble with his husband before, he would not ignore him.

So he said directly: "In..."

  After hanging up the phone, Liang Liang was in the police station and started to gather people.

 But at this moment, most people have been sent out to work.

Liang Liang couldn't find anyone for a while, and he was a little anxious, "I want to apply for armed police protection for Lu Nanze!"

“Officer Liang, maybe you need to go to Director Bai to sign this!”

Liang Liang heard this and went straight to Officer Bai's office.

At the same time, Lu Nanze's vehicle had arrived in the ravine.

This ravine section is very bumpy.

 After their car walked for a long, long time, they finally arrived at the location designated by Xu Fang.

Lu Nanze got out of the car and looked around.

 The surroundings are all blocked by trees, making it difficult to see light. There are only small houses hidden in the woods.

 At first glance, it is a mountain house.

He frowned, and while he was thinking, he suddenly heard a voice coming from beside him.

Lu Nanze suddenly froze, turned around immediately, and saw a cool sports car running towards him!

Lu Nanze frowned and stopped in front of the sports car.

 The car window slowly rolled down. After seeing the people inside, Lu Nanze said in shock: "Wuhen?!"

PS: Please take a day off~ I have a Writers Association event today and I am very tired after running around for a day. I will update a chapter today~ I will go home tomorrow night and I will make up for today’s chapter for you the day after tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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