After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1768: Think she is a sick cat? (5)

Chapter 1768 Think she is a sick cat? (5)

 Qiao Yiyi: ..."Auntie, I understand."

 Lu Qingtian:…

Why does she feel that it is so laborious to talk to Qiao one by one?

 She looked at Qiao Yiyi suspiciously, "Do you really know?"

  Joe nodded one by one.

 Lu Qingtian:…

Lu Qingtian sighed, "As long as I can help you, I can help you to the end. The rest is up to you!"

Immediately turned around and followed the butler out.

 She stayed and watched Li Tingting to no avail.

In case Lu Nanze suddenly wakes up, she, as an aunt, will definitely not be able to help him. Only Qiao Yiyi can take care of him.

 As for Li Tingting, that shameless little bitch, I’m afraid he’ll rush to beg for help!

Thinking of this, Lu Qingtian couldn't help but raise his forehead. Why didn't any of the people in the family let him worry about it?


Qiao Yi watched Lu Qingtian reluctantly leave, feeling only funny.

I used to think that this aunt was a bit unreliable, and she even slapped myself, but now I think that this aunt is quite cute!

 At least, she has very upright views!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yiyi shook his head, turned around and entered the ward.

Beside the ward, there was a small dining table. When she walked in, Li Tingting had already laid out the food and put it on the table.

 Two portions of rice were also placed on both sides.

 Qiao Yi raised her eyebrows. She didn't expect that Li Tingting could have dinner with her?

Qiao walked over one by one and sat down.

 The next moment, the corner of his mouth twitched!

 The meals delivered by the housekeeper are definitely enough for them, even if they are takeaways, they are also nutritious.

 It's just that there are only two servings of rice, so it won't be enough for Lu Qingtian, otherwise it would be enough for three people.

 But now!

 All the meat and vegetables were placed on Li Tingting's side, and all the vegetables were placed on his own side.


 Meat and vegetables are not ordered according to portion, but according to size.

For example, there are only two abalones in that small portion.

However, at this moment, one was lying quietly on Li Tingting's rice, and the other was also placed on her hand, occupied by her.

Not only that, there was also a lion's head. Because the lion's head was too big, there was only one, but it seemed that Li Tingting had no intention of giving it to her.

Qiao Yiyi frowned and heard Li Tingting say: "I like to eat meat, just eat some vegetables. Anyway, if you eat this meat, it will be in vain, a waste of food!"

  Meaning that she is thin!

 But she can’t get fat no matter how much she eats. Is it her fault?

Moreover, what kind of excuse is this? !

 But... I have always been a coward in the Lu family, and this guy regarded her as a sick cat, and openly bullied her!

Qiao Yi's eyes flashed, and then she lowered her head.

 Do you really think that all the food taken away from my mouth is delicious?

 She didn't say a word, she just lowered her head and looked at her mobile phone silently.

Li Tingting was quite bored eating, especially when she was with Qiao Yiyi, and he couldn't help but hit her. When he saw her looking at her phone, he sneered, "What are you looking at?"

Qiao raised his head one by one, "It's nothing."

 Looking a little flustered.

Li Tingting sneered, "Are you reading some entertainment gossip again? For a person like you, you can only read this on your mobile phone, but I advise you to read some good books if you have the chance, such as... "

 (End of this chapter)

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