After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1771: Think she is a sick cat? (8)

Chapter 1771 Think she is a sick cat? (8)

Qiao lowered his eyes one by one, his eyes flickered twice, and then nodded.

 Then she walked to the side, picked up the disposable water cup, and took a glass of warm water.

 Qiao Yiyi turned around, glanced at Li Tingting, curled his lips, poured out half of the hot water in the water glass, and added some cold water.

 Then, he came over and said in a panic: "Li, Miss Li, drink some water..."

As she finished speaking, her left foot tripped over her right foot, and her body fell directly in front of Li Tingting uncontrollably!

She immediately reached out her hand and held the coffee table and sofa next to her to prevent herself from being completely smashed.


The water glass in her hand flew straight towards Li Tingting!


 All the water in the glass was poured onto Li Tingting’s face!

 Suddenly, those water drops rolled down her face and wet Li Tingting's clothes!

It is summer now, and the clothes he wears are a bit thin. Li Tingting is wearing a white shirt on his upper body. When it gets wet, the clothes stick to his body, which makes Li Tingting look particularly embarrassed!

She stood up angrily, feeling a little weak because she hadn't eaten dinner. She pointed at Qiao Yiyi with her finger: "You, you..."

 Qiao Yiyi waved his hands immediately, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to do it, I'm really sorry... Are you okay? I'll wipe it for you..."

Lu Nanze watched these things with cold eyes and couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

This Qiao Yiyi is simply a veteran at pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

How could she be a coward in this way?

Li Tingting just asked her to pour a glass of water, and she could fight back... Such a person should not be underestimated!

However, Qiao Yiyi was not so vicious that he could not accept it, so he just changed the scalding water to warm water.

Lu Nanze thought of this and sneered disdainfully in his heart.

This woman...maybe just a little clever.

 As for disguising yourself and marrying must have taken a fancy to his money?

Such a hypocritical woman... is simply disgusting.

Lu Nanze, who originally had no feelings for Qiao Yiyi, couldn't help but feel a disgusting mood at this moment.

 The most annoying thing in his life is other people's deception.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, neither spoke nor continued to observe.

  Anyway...what kind of person is Qiao Yiyi, and what does it have to do with him? !

 They are the ones who will get divorced sooner or later.

Thinking of this, he lowered his eyes, turned his head, and looked out the window.

 Where is Wuhen now? what are you doing?

 Has she ever worried about herself?

As soon as this idea came up, it suddenly became irresistible.

Before she left, I told her that if I try it, I don’t know if she heard it.

 After hearing this, how will you respond to yourself?

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze couldn't help but feel anxious.

 Wuhen was with Liang Liang...although it wasn't long ago, but now, is she still unable to let go of Liang Liang?

While Lu Nanze was thinking, the ward door was suddenly pushed open.

Several people turned their heads and looked over, and saw Liang Liang standing outside the door, "Lu Nanze is awake, right? Then can you two go out for a while? I have something personal and I want to ask him clearly." ”

 (End of this chapter)

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