After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1773: Think she is a sick cat? (10)

Chapter 1773 Think she is a sick cat? (10)

Qiao Yiyi, who was standing at the window, couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

A hint of sarcasm curled up at the corner of his lips.

She was lying there, but she felt it was funny, and she felt a little sweet in her heart.

Lu Nanze has never been a nosy person, especially not interested in Liang Liang's love life, so he never asked about those things before.

 But today, I suddenly asked.

 Perhaps you want to know your past, right?

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi tilted his head and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Nanze is just...a little cute.

But did she go with Liang Liang...

"Things between us are too complicated. I don't know where to start." Liang Liang didn't want to talk about his feelings, so he made a perfunctory statement.

However, he didn't expect these words to fall, and he heard Lu Nanze say: "Then let's start with your acquaintance."


Liang Liang was stunned.

 How did they meet?

 The situation at that time gradually appeared before our eyes.

He still remembered that he was young and vigorous at the time, and had long heard of Wuhen's name, but no one in the industry could catch or even capture any news about Wuhen alive.

 So, he has been hunting.

 Until that time, he finally saw her figure while Wuhen was stealing.

That was the figure of a petite girl, and it seemed that she should be a young girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, or maybe even younger.

 With the first time, there is the second time.

He deliberately pretended to be a client who wanted her to do something on the Internet. After waiting in line for a long time, he finally gradually got in touch with Wuhen.

 He still remembered that when they chatted online for the first time, she was very distant and cold, even straightforward.

                               What are you stealing? 】

 When he saw the word "steal", he felt that this woman must be a shameless person.

To be able to talk about "stealing" so confidently is because you simply don't have the correct three views.

 He set up a bureau at that time.

 He asked Wuhen to go to his home and steal a jade pendant from his home, and paid him 10,000 yuan.

Liang Liang’s family is also from a wealthy and aristocratic family, otherwise he would not have known Lu Nanze.

 The family was very strict, and he felt that Wuhen would definitely not succeed if he tried to steal things.

Moreover, he also equipped his home with various anti-theft measures just to catch her in action.

 That night, he stayed at home, waiting for her.

 At two o'clock in the morning, there was finally movement outside.

He hurriedly ran out and followed the movement. Only then did he realize that he had fallen into Wuhen's trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

So, he quickly returned to the room where the jade pendant was kept. At that time, he saw that the desk was empty.

 The jade pendant is missing!

 Henceless is so fast that there is no trace in the room!


As an excellent police officer, of course Liang Liang reacted immediately, ran straight to the window, jumped out of the window, and then chased outside!

 When he chased him to the door, he had already seen a sports car running quickly past the door of their house.

 He got into his car and chased outside!

However, during the pursuit, Wuhen's car was getting further and further away, gradually blending in with the other vehicles and losing sight of it. Suddenly, he saw a child crossing the road ahead and crossing a red light. . The child's mother was playing with her mobile phone nearby and didn't even see it.

 (End of this chapter)

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