After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1782: Think she is a sick cat? (19)

Chapter 1782: Think she is a sick cat? (19)

The more Qiao Yi talked, the more addicted he became, as if it was really happening, and his eyes were so sincere.

That look made Lu Nanze couldn't help but frown.

When he was young, following Qiao Lian, he did countless ridiculous things, such as rescuing people, which he was really capable of at a young age, so he really can’t remember if he ever saved Qiao Yiyi.

But looking at her sincere look and listening to her sincere voice, Lu Nanze couldn't help but ask: "When and where?"

Qiao Yiyi was stunned, as if he didn't understand, and raised his head.

Lu Nanze continued to ask impatiently: "Let me ask you, when and where did I save you."

In view of Qiao Yiyi's character, Lu Nanze decided that if he really couldn't remember it, he must ask the housekeeper to check it out.

 He doesn’t want to find a gloomy-minded woman by his side.

 After saying this, he stared at Qiao Yiyi.

Qiao sighed one by one, "Ten years ago, I can't remember the specific date. In a small alley next to Digao High School, there was a shop selling tofu noodles. At that time, you had a fight with those gangsters. , and broke several chairs in that shop.”

These words made Lu Nanze suddenly think of it!

There is such a thing.

At that time, he and Qiao Lian were going to school together. When passing by, he saw a few gangsters bullying a younger girl.

Qiao Lian definitely couldn't stand it, so he had to step forward and take action.

Lu Nanze stopped her and went over in person.

 He didn't want those people to dirty Qiao Lian's hands.

That time, because of a fight, the mid-term exam was delayed, and the teacher even called the parents. At that time, his father even slapped him...

At that time, the shop owner came to their house and demanded compensation...

 Because too many things happened in the subsequent series, he still has some impressions of that incident.

  That's what she said.


Lu Nanze still felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

 A girl married herself because she liked him...and she confessed to him so sincerely...

  Although there was no shortage of girls to confess to him in the past, they were all because of his weird temper and unruly nature, and they would not dare to speak or leave when they were near him.

Even if someone like Li Tingting is like him, she just clings to him and doesn’t dare to do anything. Until now, she doesn’t even dare to say a confession...

 So now, this is actually the first pure confession he has received in his life.

 It was simply...that kind of feeling, which made him a little confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

 I simply lay down and stopped looking at her.

 Then I heard Qiao Yi say: "Mr. Lu, do you know what is the greatest luck in my life?"

Lu Nanze didn’t want to hear it.

 But curiosity made him **** up his ears.

I heard Qiao Yiyi say: "My greatest luck is that I am called Qiao Yiyi. My father abandoned me and my mother. I don't like him at all, but the only thing I am grateful for in my life is, It was he who gave me this name..."

She lowered her voice to express her disgusting confession, and said it so lyrically. In the dark night, there was an inexplicable alluring feeling.

Lu Nanze's ears turned red unconsciously.

He frowned and snorted coldly, "It's so late and you're still awake. What are you talking about here? It's so noisy!"

 (End of this chapter)

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