After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1795: Think she is a sick cat? (32)

Chapter 1795 Think she is a sick cat? (32)

 Staying here makes me so angry!

As soon as she walked to the door, she heard Lu Nanze calling her: "Wuhen, where are you going?"

Wuhen turned around angrily, "Let's go, why are you staying here?"

Lu Nanze was still surprised, "Don't you look at my legs?"

 Look at the yarn!

 Wuhen silently complained in his heart, this leg was touched by her yesterday, okay? !

What catches your eyes!

Wuhen rolled his eyes at the thought of this.

Lu Nanze looked around at him, but refused to say anything serious, which made Wuhen even more angry, "What's there to see? I can't be disabled anyway. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

As soon as these words fell, the person had already rushed to the window. Just as he was about to jump down, he suddenly heard Lu Nanze say: "Wuhen, Liang Liang is here today. Let me bring you a message."

  无 trace:…!

She almost fell down, okay?

 Couldn’t this person have spoken earlier?

She turned around and saw Lu Nanze staring at her, and then sighed after a while.

 Wuhen asked: "What?"

Lu Nanze felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Wuhen only stopping when he heard about Liang Liang.

She was so seriously injured that Wuhen ignored her, but when she heard the word Liang Liang, she stopped in her tracks... Moreover, today, she took the initiative to bring up Liang Liang several times.

 Plus last night…

When Wuhen came to look for him, she obviously could have made no sound, but she made a sound anyway, causing Liang Liang to chase her and run out...

 Does all this mean that Wuhen actually has no interest in her and that she is still obsessed with Liang Liang? !

These years, crazy things have flooded into his mind, making Lu Nanze's expression suddenly become a little hesitant.

 When the two of them meet, what will he do if the old relationship rekindles?

 Becoming alone again? !

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze frowned.

 He doesn’t want to say…

 However, Qiao Lian’s words from back then flashed through my mind;

  Sometimes, letting go is also a kind of perfection.

The man who has always been domineering and self-centered, at this moment, for the first time, he took into account Wuhen's mood.

 If Wuhen is happier with Liang Liang, then let her be happy.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze praised his mother's behavior.

He looked at Wuhen and wanted to say those words, but he didn't want to.

After being so entangled for a few seconds, Lu Nanze finally said: "Liang Liang wants to meet you. He said that there is a small misunderstanding between you, and it is best to explain it clearly."

  无 trace:…

Wuhen did not expect that in the end, Lu Nanze would relent and tell the truth about the matter.

 She thought that this man would never tell her.

Wuhen narrowed his eyes, looked at Lu Nanze, and then nodded, "Okay. Then you can arrange everything."

Lu Nanze became businesslike, "Which time do you think is appropriate?"

 Wu Hen, "It's better to choose a day than to hit it. Let it dawn tomorrow."

 Going to meet tomorrow?

Lu Nanze felt even worse.

 Is she that impatient?

 What’s wrong with waiting a few more days?

But when he looked up and saw Wuhen's eyes hidden behind the mask, he swallowed the embarrassing words and said: "Okay, you choose a cafe, and I will help you arrange the manpower to prevent being caught. "

 (End of this chapter)

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