After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1807: Think she is a sick cat? (44)

Chapter 1807 Think she is a sick cat? (44)

Under normal circumstances, when the police surround a place, they will definitely try to get ordinary people to clear the way first, hoping to get others out and prevent innocent people from being harmed.

 But now, this group of policemen started attacking directly!

Qiao Yiyi was surprised by Bai Anan's methods.

Liang Liang paused and said, "Because she is sure that you will not harm innocent people."

 One sentence made Wuhen’s pupils shrink!

She suddenly realized that she was being bullied!

Just because Bai Anan knew that he would not harm innocent people, that's why he was so unscrupulous!

But unexpectedly, she turned around and saw that the people around her had begun to panic. Everyone stood up and ran towards the door.

 There was a parent with his child, and in the chaos, he even lost a shoe.

 They are all such people...everyone is a member of an ordinary family.

 Let her really capture one of them as a hostage, and she would not be able to take action at all.

 So now, can she really just surrender?

Lu Nanze arranges the people, no matter how fast, I'm afraid it will take a while.

 Now, she has no way to escape, she can only wait.

 Qiao Yiyi hid in the blind spot of the sniper rifle, staring at the people and things outside.

The ordinary people in the room were running out in panic, and the surroundings were full of people!

 At this moment!

 Suddenly the police threw in several smoke bombs from outside!

The smoke bomb instantly made everyone unable to open their eyes, and everyone choked and coughed violently!

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and immediately the police stood there and shouted: "Unrelated people, come out quickly!"

 One sentence caused turmoil in the crowd, and everyone began to flee in that direction.

 Qiao Yi's pupils shrank, and now he was mixed in the crowd. He didn't know if he could leave the room.

Thinking of this, she took a step forward. Just when she was about to move forward, a bullet suddenly hit her feet!

If her sensitivity to danger hadn't allowed her to stop her feet in time, then the bullet would have definitely penetrated her foot bones!

Qiao Yi's pupils narrowed and he looked up in that direction.

But the room was foggy, and her eyes were sore and painful that she couldn't open them at all.

 In such a situation, it is impossible to tell who is who!

Qiao Yiyi frowned, knowing that she was now targeted by a sniper rifle and could not leave the corner here. I was afraid that as soon as she went out, she would be killed immediately!

So now, what to do? !

While I was thinking, suddenly there was a little turmoil among the fleeing people!

 I don’t know who shouted, “Someone shot!”

Everyone covered their heads, squatted on the ground, and screamed in fear!

 No one dared to go out.

 The special police officers were a little anxious, "Come out quickly! Don't waste time!"

 But everyone was frightened and no one dared to move for fear of being hit.

The special police officers were a little helpless. At this moment, they heard Bai An'an's voice, "Go in and search!"

As soon as he said this, the special police officers immediately put on their special eyes and rushed into the room filled with smoke bombs!

Although Qiao Yiyi couldn't see clearly what was happening in front of him, his ears could hear what was happening.

  She knew that now was her only chance to escape!

If she can't escape now, then she might really be trapped here!

 She can't sit still and wait for death, just stay here, be found by the special police, and be taken away by the special police!

 (End of this chapter)

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