After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1814: Honey, that's not love (1)

Chapter 1814 Dear, that’s not love (1)

Last time, after Qiao Yiyi massaged him and made him feel that the wound was not so painful, he knew that Qiao Yiyi might know the wound better.

 So now, he sent Qiao Yi one by one to take care of Liang Liang.

 I hope Liang Liang will wake up.

 Conveniently, Liang Liang was his good brother, and he didn't want his good brother to die like this.

Another convenience is that if Liang Liang dies, then Wuhen may have a harder time getting over this knot.

 So, no matter how hard you think, you can’t let Liang Liang die.

And Qiao Yiyi wanted to guard Liang Liang, so when he heard this, he immediately responded, "Okay."

After saying this, he turned around and left without any nostalgia.

That look made Lu Nanze feel quite uncomfortable again.


 Qiao came outside Liang Liang's ward one by one and stared at his wounds.

Next to her, Bai Anan was on the phone. When she saw Qiao Yiyi, she paused, but she didn't take precautions: "You must spread the news about Liang Liang's injury! Yes, Wuhen will definitely come to visit him. You are around the hospital, Put some eyeliner on me and make sure she never comes back this time!"

  When Bai Anan said this, his tone was filled with hatred and overwhelming anger.

After hanging up the phone, she turned back and stared at Liang Liang with a mixture of love and hate.

 She loves him.

 But she hated him for being so ruthless to her.

Bai Anan clenched his fists tightly and stood there.

Jo stared at her one by one, his eyes narrowed.

This is Bai An'an who destroyed her and Liang Liang in the first place, but now, her enemy is standing in front of her, but she has no way to take revenge.

 She must protect herself and wait for her mother to take her home.

 So Qiao clenched his fists one by one and stood outside the intensive care unit.

After a while, a sound suddenly came from the ward. Everyone looked over immediately and found that Liang Liang was sleeping. He didn't know what he was dreaming about, but he started to move violently.

 His two hands were waving vigorously.

 And the alarm started to sound on the monitor!

The doctors and nurses rushed in immediately. Seeing this situation, Qiao Yiyi and Bai Anan also followed in urgently. As soon as they entered the door, they heard Liang Liang shouting: "Wuhen, get out of the way!"

 Qiao Yi’s footsteps paused, and his heart felt sour!

She looked at Liang Liang like this, and for some reason, a strong sense of sadness arose deep in her heart.

 Yes, sad.

 It’s not moved, not heart-warming, not happy.

 But sad.

She didn't know what this feeling was about. Logically speaking, Liang Liang valued her so much, shouldn't she be happy?

 She stood there, staring at Liang Liang on the hospital bed.

I still remember that when I was in love with Liang Liang, he was injured on a mission and I came to visit him in the hospital.

 It was late at night, and everyone around him was taken away by him.

 When she broke in through the window, she saw Liang Liang looking at her eagerly like a child.

At that time, Qiao Yiyi had a cold face, but she was sweet on the inside. Especially when she was stared at with his hot eyes, she would feel a little hot...

 And she would immediately care about his injuries. After seeing his injuries, he held his hand.

That was the first time they held hands.

  At that time, I seemed extremely nervous and my palms were sweating.

But at this moment, Qiao Yiyi, thinking about the situation at that time, actually forgot how he felt at that time.

 (End of this chapter)

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