After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1837: Maybe, she fell in love with him (4)

 Chapter 1837 Maybe, she fell in love with him (4)

Lu Nanze lowered his eyes when he thought of this.

 He made up his mind.

 In this case, we should keep a distance from Qiao Yiyi to avoid being misunderstood by Wuhen, which would be bad.

 After all, the last time Wuhen came here, he got angry because of Qiao Yiyi!

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and looked at the housekeeper, "You go out first."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, but then he looked at Lu Nanze, then at Qiao Yiyi, nodded, and walked out.

Lu Nanze was slightly stunned when he saw the housekeeper closing the ward door and walking out.

The reason why he asked the butler to go out was because what he said next might hurt Qiao Yiyi's self-esteem and leave Qiao Yiyi face.

 However, he never cared about Qiao Yiyi's mood before. What happened now?

He frowned and stopped thinking about the problem. Instead, he looked at Qiao Yiyi and said, "I have a few words to tell you."

 Jo nodded one by one. Seeing his serious look, she thought he was going to say something big.

 The result is...

“Sooner or later, we will get divorced.”

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

 He has said this sentence several times!

Of course she knows!

 Jo nodded one by one, "Well, I know, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Nanze, "So, what do you want?"

Qiao Yiyi was stunned, "Huh?"

 Lu Nanze lowered his eyes, "A husband and wife can live in love for a hundred days. We are still a husband and wife after all. When we get divorced, as long as your demands are not excessive, I can satisfy you. You can agree on a price."

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…!

 What's wrong with this guy?

 Suddenly become so soft-hearted?

She stared at Lu Nanze, and suddenly she couldn't help but want to tease him, "But you may not be able to give me what I want."

Lu Nanze was stunned, "What do you want?"

Is there anything in this world that Lu Nanze can't afford?

 Qiao Yiyi stared at him seriously, "I want your sincerity."

 Lu Nanze:…!

Lu Nanze was immediately choked. He coughed, and then turned his head away, not daring to look into Qiao Yiyi's eyes.

 At this time, he realized how difficult it was to reject a woman who loved him very deeply.

 He completely forgot how many people he had rejected before.

 At this moment, the reason why it is difficult to refuse is because he has feelings for her?

But at this time, Lu Nanze didn't notice it. He just said: "Except for this."

 “Then I want your man.”

 Lu Nanze:…!

 He continued to cough, "This won't work either."

 Qiao Yiyi watched the roots of his ears slowly turn red, and thought it was so fun to tease him!

She couldn't help but said with a bad smile: "I, in fact, I just want to be a real couple with you for one day, as long as you can satisfy me..."

 Lu Nanze:…!

Lu Nanze's face turned dark. What did this guy think he was?

 Is one day...satisfying? !

He immediately turned his head and wanted to scold Qiao Yiyi, but saw a flash of smile in her eyes.

Lu Nanze immediately understood that he had been teased by Qiao Yiyi!

He was very angry at the moment and said directly: "Qiao Yiyi, I am talking to you seriously!"

 Qiao Yiyi immediately put away his smile.

Lu Nanze took a deep breath, knowing that Qiao Yiyi was not in good shape, so he said directly: "Let's do this. After the divorce, I will give you a house and 10 million in cash, ensuring that you will be worry-free for the rest of your life."

PS: The update is finished~~See you tomorrow morning! No updates tonight!

 (End of this chapter)

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