After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1839: Maybe, she fell in love with him (6)

 Chapter 1839 Maybe, she fell in love with him (6)

Qiao Yiyi frowned. Are the two of them talking about breaking off the engagement again?

While thinking about it, I heard Director Bai say: "The 15th of next month is a good day."

 Good days?

 Do you need to choose a date to break off the engagement?

As soon as this thought came out, Liang Liang responded feebly: "Okay, I understand."

Director Bai nodded and stood up, "I think we have talked today. Although An An is very strong, she has been the treasure that I have held in my hands since she was a child. I hope you will treat her well in the future and not give her any grievances." ”

As soon as these words came out, Qiao Yi's pupils suddenly shrank.

 She stared at the window in disbelief, unable to believe her ears for a moment.

 What did Director Bai say?

 The meaning of this sentence…

If the engagement was broken off, how could he possibly say anything like treating her well?

 But if it wasn’t to break off the engagement...why set the 15th of next month...

Does ˆˆ have any meaning?

 Is it... getting married?

As soon as this thought came out, she frowned and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, I heard Liang Liang say: "Well, I will ask my father to prepare it. The hotel and everything will be booked. How much do you want as a betrothal gift?"

Director Bai burst out laughing, "Gifts and money are all trivial matters. You juniors don't need to get involved. I'll just talk to your father about it! It's a happy event for us, so there's no need to worry about trivial matters. You just listen to the arrangements of your elders." That’s it.”

Liang Liang nodded.

Director Bai walked to the door and opened the door, "An'an, come here quickly."

Soon, Bai An'an walked in from the door coquettishly.

She bit her lip, wrung her hands, raised her head, and looked at Liang Liang without wanting to speak, her face full of surprise.

 Qiao Yiyi was outside the window. She could only see Bai An'an's face, but not the expression of Liang Liang, who had his back to her. She frowned and stared into the room.

 Having no idea what happened, Liang Liang changed his original mind in just one day.

When she left, Liang Liang was still determined to break off the engagement with Bai Anan. Now, how could he suddenly agree to the matter with Bai Anan and arrange a wedding soon? !

 What happened during this day that she didn't know about?

She frowned and saw Bai Anan smiling at Liang Liang, "Brother Liang."

Liang Liang nodded, and then said: "An'an, from now on... don't think too much."

 Bai Anan nodded immediately, "Okay, Brother Liang, I know what I did before was a bit too much. I apologize to you. In the future, I will definitely discuss with you whatever I do. I won't do this again."

As soon as these words came out, Director Bai immediately laughed and said, "Yes, yes, you will be husband and wife from now on. You must support each other and don't get into trouble or conflicts over trivial matters. Liang Liang, I want to deal with this matter." I’m criticizing you. Talking about breaking off the engagement is not a joke. You’d better say it less in the future.”

Liang Liang lowered his head, "I understand."

"Well, if that's the case, An'an, go and call your in-laws over, and we'll discuss the wedding date. Also, since the wedding date has been decided, we should also carefully consider the date of getting the certificate."

Bai Anan nodded, glanced at Liang Liang, with a smile on his face, lowered his head, and walked out shyly.

 (End of this chapter)

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