After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1848: Maybe, she fell in love with him (15)

 Chapter 1848 Maybe, she fell in love with him (15)

 Because he didn't know where he was, he sent all his manpower to where she might go... So now, there is a lack of manpower, right?

This thought suddenly made a warm current rise in her heart.

This fool…

How could he put himself in danger?

Doesn’t he know that as he turns from black to white, he also makes many enemies?

 Qiao Yiyi felt that at this moment, his heart seemed to be wrapped by something. That sour and sweet emotion partly came from being moved, and the other part came from...

 She seemed, as if, really in love with him.

Qiao Yiyi thought of this, lowered his eyes, and said to the housekeeper: "I understand."

 Then she hung up the phone.

 She turned back and looked at the two bodyguards.

Originally, she didn't want to reveal her identity, but at this moment, she couldn't care less.

What if Li Tingting really did something irreparable to Lu Nanze, then she and Lu Nanze would be doomed!

Thinking of this, Qiao Yi's eyes narrowed. Then, in a posture that no one could see clearly, she rushed directly behind the two large bodyguards. Immediately, she made a blade with her palms and slashed directly on their necks. !

Neither of them could react, so they rolled their eyes and fainted.

Qiao saw this situation one by one, then walked to the door and wanted to open the door.

 But the door was locked.

This is a VIP ward. The door is locked and it is difficult to unlock it.

  But this is for ordinary people, for Wuhen, this is nothing!

Qiao stretched out his hand one by one and groped in his hair. After a while, he took out a thin wire as thin as hair, then put it into the keyhole, fiddled with it twice, and the lock immediately opened!

 She opened the door directly!

Just see it!

Li Tingting had already taken off her clothes and was about to go to bed.

But before he walked over, he heard a sound at the door. Li Tingting immediately turned his head. When he saw Qiao Yiyi, he was startled!

She screamed and subconsciously grabbed the clothes she had just taken off to cover her body, "You, how did you get in?! Ah, someone, take her out!"

Qiao looked at her one by one, only feeling funny.

 How big-hearted this person is.

In her husband's hospital room, she took off her clothes and even planned to ask the bodyguard to drive her out!

She sneered and said, "Miss Li, what you are doing is so unethical! The man lying on the bed is my husband, you let me out?!"

Li Tingting clenched her fists, "You..."

“Also, what are you going to do in my husband’s hospital room after you take off all your clothes?!”

Li Tingting was so angry that she couldn't speak, but now that things have come to this point, she was not afraid to break up with Qiao Yi one by one, and directly cursed: "What am I doing, can't you see? You have no ability, and you can't tell me what I'm doing." The second brother has been married for half a year and we haven’t had **** yet. What’s wrong with me? The second brother doesn’t like you at all. He only has Qiao Lian in his heart! Let me tell you, if you go out now, I can give you some benefits in the future! You can put forward any conditions!”

ˆ˜Qiao Yiyi:…

Qiao Yiyi was really speechless!

How on earth could this person say these things so shamelessly?

 (End of this chapter)

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