After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1861: She is crazy about love (9)

 Chapter 1861 She is crazy about love (9)

 Qiao Yiyi paused, suddenly stunned, and then took two steps forward and approached the small foreign-style building.

She slowly poked her head out and saw a very beautiful woman sitting at the dining table. While she was talking, she filled a bowl of porridge and placed it opposite her.

 Qiao Yiyi didn't pay attention and didn't feel anything.

 Just thinking, it’s so late, why haven’t the family eaten yet?

 However, as she looked at it, she felt something was wrong.

 Because, there is no one across from that beautiful woman!

 At first, she thought that the one named Qingying might be in another room, not in the dining room, but now...

She looked at the woman, put the vegetables on the empty plate opposite, and spoke to the empty place in front of her: "Quietly, is this delicious? This is your favorite..."

Qiao Yi suddenly felt a panic!

 This evening...

Especially when a gust of cold wind blew by, she even broke into a cold sweat on her back.

She looked hard into the room. The woman was very beautiful, wearing a pink dress, and looked very princess-like. Therefore, it was impossible to tell how old she was.

While she was struggling, she suddenly heard the voice of the nanny next to her, "It's over! People outside said that a thief came to our place, what should we do?"

Qiao Yi hurriedly stepped aside to avoid the two people.

Another person said: "Someone just went to inform the gentleman. The young lady is like this. She can't meet strangers and can't stand the excitement. If the thief disturbs the young lady, then the young lady... sigh!"

 “The lady is really pitiful...”

“Hush, don’t say these words. There are so many filthy people in a wealthy family...”

 The two people walked away while talking.

 Qiao Yiyi stood there, a little confused, but didn't think much about it.

Having stolen things from many wealthy families, she certainly knew that every house had secrets that were not known to the public. Maybe this woman was the one Mr. Xu had put under house arrest.

But it’s wrong to drive people crazy, right?

As she was thinking wildly, she began to look around her, trying to find a place to go out.

 This woman is placed here, and it is still a forbidden place. No one else can enter, which shows that she is very important to Mr. Xu.

 In fact, kidnapping her is the best way to escape at this time.


Thinking of what the two nannies just said...

 Qiao Yiyi sighed, she was not a qualified thief.

 Always at critical moments, you can't be ruthless.

She shook her head. A lunatic was already pitiful being locked up here. Why should she bother her again?

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes and looked around, then finally chose a direction and rushed out!

After she left, the woman in the room didn't seem to notice at all, but she still had a smile on her face, looking at the non-existent air opposite, "Quietly, have you lost weight recently? Eat more, every time I’ll give you some food and you’ll eat just a little bit…”


 Joe climbed out of the south wall one by one.

 On the map in her mind, this side should be a big and small pond.

As long as she enters the water, she can find another exit.

 But she never expected that after jumping down from the top, a net would cover her head!

 “Get her!”

 (End of this chapter)

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